Serviciul Român de Informaţii

Serviciul Român de Informaţii

Infobox Government agency
agency_name = Romanian Intelligence Service
nativename = Serviciul Român de Informaţii
nativename_a =
nativename_r =
logo =
logo_width =
logo_caption =

seal_width = 150px
seal_caption =
formed = March 26, 1990
preceding1 = Securitate
preceding2 =
dissolved =
superseding =
jurisdiction =
headquarters = Bucharest
employees = Classified
budget = Classified
minister1_name =
minister1_pfo =
minister2_name =
minister2_pfo =
chief1_name = George Cristian Maior
chief1_position = Director
chief2_name = Brig. Gen. Florian Coldea
chief2_position = First-Deputy Director
chief3_name = Lieutenant General Dumitru Ion Zamfir
chief3_position = Deputy Director
chief4_name = Colonel George-Viorel Voinescu
chief4_position = Deputy Director
parent_agency =
child1_agency =
child2_agency =
website = []
footnotes =

"Serviciul Român de Informaţii" (SRI) is the Romanian domestic intelligence service. It is considered the descendant of the former "Departamentul Securităţii Statului" (also called Securitate), of the Socialist Republic of Romania. The official decree (No. 181) that created the agency was released on March 26, 1990.

The service functions in collaboration with other branches of the country's security services, although their funds were scaled down and the secret service lost the position the Securitate had (presumably one of the world's top secret services prior to 1989).

Under the command of Director George Cristian Maior, a long term process of reform commenced implementation at the beginning of 2007. Reforms include structural changes and a redefinition of the service's role.

External links

* [ Official site]
* [ Chronology]
* Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF; Working Paper No. 111; Larry L. Watts: Control and oversight of security Intelligence in Romania []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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