Edwin Snowe

Edwin Snowe

Edwin Melvin Snowe, Jr. (born 11 February 1970) is a Liberian politician and former Speaker of the country's House of Representatives.

Snowe, who ran as an independent candidate in the 11 October 2005 elections, represents the 5th district of Montserrado County. He is the former son-in-law of the deposed Liberian President Charles Taylor, and was a prominent member of his government as well.

Snowe is also a 1990 high school drop out of the St. Augustine Episcopal High School, in Kakata, Margibi County, Liberia. His last day in high school was May 17, 1990; May 19 was the day Charles Taylor's rebels entered Kakata. He has also served as the President of the Liberian Football Association.

Snowe was removed from his position as Speaker in January 2007 following a vote of no confidence. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6276391.stm "Ex-Taylor ally sacked as speaker"] , BBC News, January 18, 2007.] However, a few days later the Supreme Court ordered him to be reinstated, pending Snowe's appeal. According to Snowe, the no-confidence vote was illegal; he alleges that some votes against him were obtained through bribery and that the vote was not legitimate because it did not occur in a city, as required by the constitution. [ [http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=68&art_id=qw1169586904346B241 "Liberian speaker reinstated by judge"] , Reuters ("IOL"), January 24, 2007.] On January 29, the Supreme Court ruled in Snowe's favor, describing his removal as unconstitutional. [Alphonso Toweh, [http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=68&art_id=qw1170075060538B241 "Parliamentary speaker defeats ouster bid"] , "Independent Online" (South Africa), January 29, 2007.] However, the legislators who attempted to vote Snowe out of his position reportedly intended to again attempt to remove him by holding another vote. [ [http://www.apanews.net/apa.php?page=show_article_eng&id_article=20067 "Constitutional wrangle over removal of Liberian speaker intensifies"] , African Press Agency, January 30, 2007.]

The "reinstated Speaker" resigned on Thursday, February 15, 2007 on grounds that he will not go to the township of Virginia for Legislative matters in keeping with article 40 of the Liberian Constitution which states: Neither House shall adjourn for more than five days without the consent of the other and both Houses shall always sit in the same city.

On March 2, Snowe appeared for police questioning in connection with his alleged misappropriation of more than a million dollars when he was managing director of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Corporation under the transitional government of Gyude Bryant. The investigation was postponed until the following week due to Snowe being ill. [ [http://apanews.net/apa.php?page=show_article_eng&id_article=22540 "Police investigate former Liberian parliamentary speaker"] , African Press Agency, March 2, 2007.] Snowe appeared for questioning again on March 6. It has been argued that Snowe is immune from prosecution because he is a legislator, but according to justice minister Frances Johnson Morris, immunity can be removed for certain crimes, including corruption. [ [http://apanews.net/apa.php?page=show_article_eng&id_article=22876 "Former Liberian speaker re-appears before police investigators"] , African Press Agency, March 7, 2007.] Snowe appeared in court to face the charge against him on April 12. [ [http://apanews.net/apa.php?page=show_article_eng&id_article=25511 "Former Liberian parliament speaker appears in court for theft charges"] , African Press Agency, April 12, 2007.] His lawyers filed a bond of $1.8 million U.S. dollars, but the prosecution argued this was inadequate and needed to be doubled, and also argued that the source of the bond, the African Insurance Company of Liberia, could not legally issue it to Snowe. On August 16 2007, the Monrovia City Court ruled in Snowe's favor, declaring the bond to be "sufficient and valid". [George Borteh, [http://allafrica.com/stories/200708171132.html "Liberia: Snowe Relishes Court Ruling"] , "The Analyst", Monrovia (allAfrica.com), August 17, 2007.]


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