Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain

Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain

Infobox WorldScouting
name =منظمة الكشاف المغربي

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The Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain ( _ar. منظمة الكشاف المغربي) is the national federation of several Scouting organizations of Morocco. It was founded in 1933, and became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1961. The coeducational Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain has 12,304 members as of 2004.

Although Morocco does have a Guiding organization, work towards World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts membership recognition remains unclear.

In 1978, Mahmoud el-Alamy was awarded the Bronze Wolf, the only distinction of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, awarded by the World Scout Committee for exceptional services to world Scouting.

In 1994, the international seminar "Scouting: Youth without Borders" was held in Morocco.

Since April 1997, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid has been the president of the National Federation of Moroccan Scouting.

Each of the associations in the federation has a program which includes many community service activities and development projects.

The Scouts help to run a camp in the mountains for disadvantaged children.


The members of the federation are
* the "Organisation du Scout Marocain"
* the "Scoutisme Hassania Marocain"
* the "Organisation Marocaine des Scouts et des Guides"

Program and ideals

*Louveteaux (Cub Scouts) - ages 7 to 11
*Eclaireurs (Scouts) - ages 12 to 17
*Routiers (Rover Scouts) - ages 17 to 25

The Scout Motto is "Kun Musta'idan" or كن مستعداً, "Be Prepared" in Arabic, and is "Sois Prêt" in French. The noun for a single Scout is "Kashaf" or كشاف in Arabic.

The Scout emblem of the Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain, as well as those of most federation members, incorporates the seal of Suleiman of the flag of Morocco.

Non-aligned Scout organizations

Morocco has a large non-aligned Scout movement; known are the following ten organizations:

* "Association Scouts Arabe Sociale" [ [http://www.tanmia.ma/article.php3?id_article=1696 Association Scouts Arabe Sociale - Tanmia.ma ] ]
* "Association Scouts du Maroc" [ [http://www.tanmia.ma/article.php3?id_article=1496] , [http://www.resaq.org/article.php3?id_article=400] ]
* "Mouvement du Scoutisme marocain" [http://www.secj.gov.ma/plan/liste_des_associations_fr.htm] ]
* "Organisation du Scout Populaire" [ [http://scoutpopulaire.dca.free.fr/ Scout Populaire ] ]
* "Organisation du Scoutisme marocain musulman"
* "Organisation Scout Atlas" [ [http://www.tanmia.ma/article.php3?id_article=303 Organisation Scout Atlas - Tanmia.ma ] ]
* "Organisation Scout National" [ [http://www.resaq.org/article.php3?id_article=425 [Organisation Scout National OSN ] ]
* "Organisation Scoutisme Mohamedia Marocaine" [ [http://scout-osmm.imaroc.com/ Organisation Scoutisme Mohammedia Marocaine ] ]
* "Organisation Scouts sans frontières" [ [http://www.resaq.org/article.php3?id_article=515 [Encadrement et qualification professionnelle des enfants des quartiers CHHAOUTA et EL BRADAA ] ]
* "Scoutisme Unifié au Maroc" [ [http://scouts.sum.free.fr/ Scoutisme unifie au Maroc ] ]

Atlantic Jamboree 2007

Atlantic Jamboree was inaugurated on 2007-07-23 in Ras El Maa. Around 2400 Cubs, Beavers, Scouts, Guides, Senior Scouts and Rovers participated in the jamboree, organised by the Al Hessania Scout Association. [ [http://www.scout.org/en/around_the_world/arab/information_events/news/2007 The Opening of the Atlantic Jamboree 2007 in Morocco / News / Information & Events / Arab / Around the world / Home - World Organization of the Scout Movement ] ]

Girl Guiding

Although Morocco has a Guiding organization, work towards World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts recognition remains unclear.

ee also


[http://www.fnsm.org Portail officiel de la Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain]

External links

* [http://m4art.free.fr/scoutmarocain/ Homepage of the Organisation du Scout Marocain]
* [http://www.scout.ma/ Homepage of the Scoutisme Hassania Marocain]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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