Susan Stebbing

Susan Stebbing

L. (Lizzie) Susan Stebbing (1885-1943) was a British philosopher. She belonged to the 1930s generation of analytic philosophy, and was a founder in 1933 of the journal "Analysis".

She studied at Girton College, Cambridge, graduating in 1908. From 1920 she had positions at Bedford College, University of London, where she became Professor in 1933. She was president of the Aristotelian Society from 1933 to 1934.

She was a pupil of W. E. Johnson; according to P. M. S. Hacker she was most influenced by G. E. Moore, and was a point of contact with the Vienna Circle, first inviting Carnap to talk in the UK.


*"Pragmatism and French Voluntarism" (1914)
*"A Modern Introduction to Logic" (1930)
*"Logical Positivism and Analysis" (1933)
*"Logic in Practice" (1934)
*"Imagination and Thinking" (1936) with C. Day Lewis
*"Thinking to Some Purpose" (1939)
*"Philosophy and the Physicists" (1937)
*"Ideals and Illusions" (1941)
*"A Modern Elementary Logic" (1943)


*"Philosophical Studies. Essays in Memory of L. Susan Stebbing" (1948)

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