George Steiner bibliography

George Steiner bibliography

George Steiner's published works:

*"Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: An Essay in Contrast" (1960)
*"The Death of Tragedy" (1961)
*"Anno Domini: Three Stories" (1964)
*"The Penguin Book of Modern Verse Translation" (1966)
*"Language and Silence: Essays 1958-1966" (1967)
*"In Bluebeard's Castle: Some Notes Towards the Redefinition of Culture" (1971)
*"Extraterritorial: Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution" (1972)
*"The Sporting Scene: White Knights of Reykjavik" (1973)
*"" (1975)
*"Why English"? (1975)
*"Has Truth a Future"? (1978)
*"Heidegger" (1978)
*"On Difficulty and Other Essays" (1978)
*"The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H." (1981)
*"Antigones" (1984)
*"George Steiner: A Reader" (1984)
*"A Reading Against Shakespeare" (1986)
*"Real Presences: Is There Anything in What We Say?" (1989)
*"Proofs and Three Parables" (1992)
*"What is Comparative Literature"? (1995)
*"Homer in English" (1996)
*"No Passion Spent: Essays 1978-1996" (1996)
*"The Deeps of the Sea, and Other Fiction" (1996)
*"Errata: An Examined Life" (1997)
*"Grammars of Creation" (2001)
*"Lessons of the Masters" (2004)
*"Nostalgia for the Absolute" (2004)
*"Paroles et silence" (2004)
*"Une idée de l'Europe" (2005)
*" Dix raisons (possibles) à la tristesse de la pensée" (bilingual, 2005)

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