Castiglioni — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Achille Castiglioni (1918–2002), italienischer Industriedesigner Alfredo und Angelo Castiglioni (* 1937), italienische Archäologen und Dokumentarfilmer Andreas Castiglioni (* 1980), italienischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Castiglioni — [kastiʎ ʎoːni], Niccolò, italienischer Komponist, Pianist und Musikforscher, * Mailand 1. 7. 1932, ✝ ebenda 7. 9. 1996; ging nach Studien in Mailand nach Salzburg (B. Blacher, F. Gulda, C. Zecchi), 1966 in die USA, war Dozent an mehreren… … Universal-Lexikon
Castiglioni — Recorded in the spellings of Castilla, Castillo, Castela, Castille, Castiglioni, Castiglione, Castillion, etc., this is a locational or regional surname which derives from the former independent kingdom of Castille, now a province within Spain.… … Surnames reference
Castiglioni — Castiglione, Castiglioni Nom italien correspondant à un toponyme assez courant, qui signifie grand château (suffixe augmentatif one ajouté à castiglio, variante de castello) … Noms de famille
CASTIGLIONI, CAMILLO — (1879–1957), Austrian financier. Born in Trieste, the son of Ḥayyim (Vittorio) Castiglioni , he began his business career as a tire salesman, worked for German and Austrian automobile and aircraft industries, and during World War I arranged for… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
CASTIGLIONI, ḤAYYIM — (Vittorio; 1840–1911), Italian rabbi and writer. Castiglioni, who was a disciple of samuel david luzzatto , taught mathematics and pedagogy in his native Trieste for 32 years until appointed chief rabbi of Rome in 1903. He wrote Pe er ha Adam (… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Castiglioni, Achille — ▪ 2003 Italian architect and interior designer (b. Feb. 16, 1918, Milan, Italy d. Dec. 2, 2002, Milan), produced modern furnishings and accessories that were noted for their functional nature and witty styling. After graduating from the… … Universalium
Castiglioni, Luigi — (Azzate, Varese 1882 Milano 1965) filologo, direttore di “Studi italiani di filologia classica” … Dizionario biografico elementare del Novecento letterario italiano
Castiglioni, Francesco Saverio — papa Pio VIII … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Castiglioni, Goffredo — papa Celestino IV … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione