- Yde Girl
Yde Girl is a
bog body found in the "Stijfveen"peat bog near the little village ofYde in theNetherlands . She was found on12 May 1897 and was reputedly uncannily well-preserved when discovered (especially herhair ), but by the time the body was turned over to the authorities afortnight later it had been severely damaged and deteriorated.Carbon 14 tests have indicated that Yde girl died between 54 BC and 128 AD at an approximate age of 16 years. She had long reddish blonde hair, but one side of her head had been shaved before she died. (Recent studies ofWindeby I have suggested that the shaved hair phenomenon in some bog bodies may simply attest to one side of the head being exposed to oxygen slightly longer than the other.) Scans have shown that she suffered from a spine condition known asscoliosis .The body was found clad in a woolen cape and with a
noose wrapped around the neck suggesting she was executed or sacrificed. There was also a stab wound in her collarbone, but that was not determined as cause of death. As with most bog bodies, the skin and features are still preserved, thanks to thetannic acid in the marsh water. When Yde Girl was excavated, the diggers accidentally split her remains in half, effectively destroying her torso. The Yde Girl was put on display at amuseum and further study was not carried out on the remains until 1992. ProfessorRichard Neave of Manchester University took a CT-scan of the skull of Yde girl and determined her age, both anatomically and historically. The Yde girl became internationally known when Professor Neave made a reconstruction of her head, using techniques fromplastic surgery and criminalpathology . Yde Girl and her modern reconstruction are displayed at theDrents Museum inAssen .ee also
Clonycavan Man
*Grauballe Man , found 1952 in Nebelgård Mose, a bog inJutland , Denmark.
*Haraldskær Woman , 5th century BC, found 1835 in a peat bog inJutland , Denmark
*Lindow Man
*Old Croghan Man
*Tollund Man , 3rd - 2nd century BC
*Bocksten Man External links
* [http://www.drentsmuseum.nl/index.cfm?pid=80 Yde girl at the Drents Museum] In Dutch.
* [http://www.mummytombs.com/museums/nl.assen.drents.yde.htm Yde Girl - as discovered and facial reconstruction] at James M. Deem's "Mummy Tombs" site.
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