Philip Clarke

Philip Clarke

Philip Christopher Clarke, born 1933, is an Irish republican and former politician.

He was born in Dublin. A civil servant and an evening student at University College Dublin, Clarke joined the Irish Republican Army and was captured after a raid on a British Army barracks in Omagh. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment.

In the 1955 UK General Election, Clarke was elected MP for the Fermanagh and South Tyrone constituency, winning 30,529 votes, and becoming the youngest MP at the time.

As Clarke was in prison at the time of his election, serving ten years for a treason felony, his opponent, Lieutenant Colonel Lord Robert Grosvenor, lodged a petition to have him unseated. The case appeared before the Northern Ireland High Court in August 1955. In October, the court unseated Clarke and awarded the seat to his Unionist contender.

ee Also

List of United Kingdom MPs with the shortest service


* "Saoirse", September 2005.

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