
Dermogenys sumatrana, pregnant female about 5 cm long
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Beloniformes
Family: Hemiramphidae
Genus: Dermogenys
van Hasselt, 1823
Species: Dermogenys megarramphus

Dermogenys bispina

Dermogenys brachynotopterus

Dermogenys bruneiensis

Dermogenys burmanica

Dermogenys collettei

Dermogenys montana

Dermogenys orientalis

Dermogenys palawanensis

Dermogenys pusilla

Dermogenys robertsi

Dermogenys siamensis

Dermogenys sumatrana

Dermogenys vogti

Dermogenys weberi

The freshwater and brackish water halfbeaks of the genus Dermogenys are widely distributed in South and Southeast Asia from India to Indonesia. They are all viviparous, producing small clutches of up to 30 fry that closely resemble the adults, except they are much smaller, around 10 to 15 mm in length. Dermogenys adults are typically around 60–70 mm in length, with females being slightly larger than males. Males tend to be more brightly coloured and are well known for being aggressive towards one another. The wrestling halfbeak, Dermogenys pusilla, is widely used in Asia as fighting animals upon which wagers are placed (see Siamese fighting fish). Both sexes have lower jaws (mandibles) that are much longer than the upper ones, and from this comes the "halfbeak" name.

Dermogenys fish feed extensively on small insects, either in the form of aquatic larvae or as flying insects that have fallen onto the surface of the water. They are important predators on insects such as mosquitoes, so play a role in controlling malaria.

See the article on halfbeaks for details on the maintenance of these fish in home aquaria.



A three-week old Dermogenys fry.

Dermogenys are live-bearing fish that practise internal fertilisation. The male is equipped with a gonopodium-like anal fin known as an andropodium that delivers sperm into the female. The gestation period is about one month. The exact mode of reproduction ranges from ovoviviparity through to viviparity (see section on reproduction in the halfbeak article). About ten embryos are developed at any one time, but at birth, these are fairly large (around 10 mm) compared with other fish of this size (Dermogenys adults are around 4–7 cm in length, depending on the species).


Dermogenys weberi

Dermogenys megarramphus

Dermogenys bispina

Dermogenys brachynotopterus

Dermogenys bruneiensis

Dermogenys burmanica

Dermogenys collettei

Dermogenys montana

Dermogenys orientalis

Dermogenys palawanensis

Dermogenys pusilla

Dermogenys robertsi

Dermogenys siamensis

Dermogenys sumatrana

Dermogenys vogti

See also

Further reading


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