

A târg was a medieval Romanian market town. The term originates from the Slavic root "torg" for "trade". Târgs were originally established on the places where periodic fairs were held. With time, they became permanent settlements as craftsmen built their workshops near the place where the fair was held. Some of the towns were fortified and became known as fortresses ("cetăţi").

Many of the earliest fairs were named after the river that flowed nearby. Examples include:

* Târgul Moldovei, on Moldova River ("currently known as Baia")
* Târgu Mureş, on Mureş River
* Târgu Jiu, on Jiu River
* Târgul Argeşului, on Argeş River ("currently known as Curtea de Argeş")
* Târgu Neamţ, on Neamţ River
* Târgu Lăpuş, on Lăpuş River
* Cetatea Dâmboviţei, on Dâmboviţa River ("historical name for Bucharest")
* Cetatea Sucevei, on Suceava River ("currently known as Suceava")
* Târgul Bârladului, on Bârlad River ("currently known as Bârlad"')
* Târgul Siretului, on Siret River ("currently known as Siret")

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