- DeadBodyGuy.com
DeadBodyGuy.com is a website for a man who wants for his name to be on the credits of a national television show. He wants to play a dead person on such shows as and
Law & Order . On this website he has many shots of himself "playing dead" and has a list of the top ten why he should be chosen to play a dead body. He has been featured on the Today Show and on the front ofThe New York Times . DeadBodyGuy.com [http://www.deadbodyguy.com] has become a bit of an internet phenomenon receiving over thirty five MILLION hits. he was named one the top guest of 2006 on The Today Show.He is now slated to appear in 4 major motion pictures. Horrorween, Stiffs, Krampus and Book Of The Dead.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.