Anatole Abragam

Anatole Abragam

Anatole Abragam (born December 15, 1914) is a French physicist who wrote "The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism" and has made significant contributions to the field of nuclear magnetic resonance. Originally from Russia, Abragam and his family emigrated to France in 1925.

After being educated at the University of Paris, (1933 - 1936), he served in the Second World War. After the war, he resumed his studies at the École Supérieure d'Électricité and subsequently obtained his Ph.D. from Oxford University in 1950 under the supervision of Maurice Pryce. In 1976, he was made an Honorary Fellow of both Merton and Jesus Colleges, Oxford.

From 1960 to 1985, he worked as a professor at the Collège de France. He was awarded the Lorentz Medal in 1982.


*cite book |title=The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism
author=Abragam, Anatole
publisher=Clarendon Press

*cite book
title=Time Reversal, an autobiography
author=Abragam, Anatole
publisher=Oxford University Press
origtitle=De la physique avant toute chose

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