- Flipped SU(5)
The Flipped SU(5) model is a GUT theory which states that the
gauge group is:
[ SU(5) × U(1)χ ] /
Fermions form three families, each consisting of the representations
for the lepton doublet, L, and the up quarks ;
for the quark doublet,Q ,the down quark, and the right-handed neutrino, N;
for the charged leptons,.
It is noticeable that this assignment includes three right-handed neutrinos, which are never been observed, but are often postulated to explain the lightness of the observed neutrinos andneutrino oscillation s. There is also a and/or called the Higgs fields which acquire a VEV, yielding thespontaneous symmetry breaking
The SU(5) representations transform under this subgroup as the reducible representatio as follows:: (uc and l): (q, dc and νc): (ec):.
Comparison with the standard SU(5)
The name "flipped" SU(5) arose in comparison with the "standard" SU(5) model of
Georgi-Glashow , in which and quark are respectively assigned to the 10 and 5 representation. In comparison with the standard SU(5), the flipped SU(5) can accomplish the sopontaneous symmetry breaking using Higgs fields of dimension 10, while the standard SU(5) need both a 5- and 45-dimensional Higgs.The
sign convention for U(1)χ varies from article/book to article.The hypercharge Y/2 is a linear combination (sum) of the of SU(5) and χ/5.
There are also the additional fields 5-2 and containing the
electroweak Higgs doublet s.Of course, calling the representations things like and 240 is purely a physicist's convention, not a mathematician's convention, where representations are either labelled by
Young tableau x orDynkin diagram s with numbers on their vertices, but still, it is standard among GUT theorists.Since the
homotopy group :this model does not predictsmonopoles . SeeHooft-Polyakov monopole .This theory was invented by
Dimitri Nanopoulos , with some collaboration byJohn Hagelin and John Ellis.Minimal supersymmetric flipped SU(5)
The N=1 superspace extension of 3+1 Minkowski spacetime
patial symmetry
N=1 SUSY over 3+1 Minkowski spacetime with
R-symmetry gauge symmetry group
[SU(5)× U(1)χ] /Z5
global internal symmetry
Z2 (matter parity) not related to U(1)R in any way for this particular model
vector superfields
Those associated with the SU(5)× U(1)χ gauge symmetry
chiral superfields
As complex representations:
A generic invariant renormalizable superpotential is a (complex) invariant cubic polynomial in the superfields which has an R-charge of 2. It is a linear combination of the following terms:
The second column expands each term in index notation (neglecting the proper normalization coefficient). i and j are the generation indices. The coupling Hd 10i 10j has coefficients which are symmetric in i and j.
In those models without the optional φ sterile neutrinos, we add the
nonrenormalizable couplingsinstead. These couplings do break the R-symmetry, though.
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