Marcelle Karp

Marcelle Karp

Marcelle Karp, a.k.a Betty Boob, (born 1964), is an American feminist writer, editor, and television director and producer.

She worked as a television producer and director for Lifetime, Fox, and HBO, and has written for Spin, Details, and Jane magazines.

In 1993, Karp and Debbie Stoller produced the first issue of Bust, "The Magazine for Women With Something to Get Off Their Chests", now seen as one of the flagship publications of third-wave feminism, mixing feminism with sexuality. Betty Boob was the name Karp used for the magazine (Stoller used Celina Hex). The two women met while working for Nickelodeon in New York City. Her 1999 book with Stoller, "The Bust Guide to the New Girl Order", ISBN 0-14-027774-9, is a collection of articles from that magazine. She was forced out of Bust in 2001.

In 2000, Karp gave birth to a daughter, Ruby. Karp is currently working on a novel.

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