

Infobox Language
states= United States (California)
script=Latin alphabet

Karkin (also called "Los Carquines" in Spanish) is a name of one sub-group of the indigenous Ohlone people of California, as well as the name of the language they spoke.

Karkin ("Los Carquines") was a Utian language in the Ohlone/Costanoan language family that was spoken in Northern California by the division of the Ohlone who who lived in the Carquinez Strait region. It is only documented from a single vocabulary obtained in the late 1700's, and has probably not been spoken for 200 years. Although meager, the records of Karkin show that it constituted a distinct branch of Costanoan which was strikingly different from its neighboring language Chochenyo.

All Costanoan languages went extinct, but some are being studied and revived.


* Beeler, M. "Northern Costanoan", International Journal of American Linguistics, (1961) 27: 191-197.
* [http://www.ethnologue.org/14/show_language.asp?code=KRB Ethnologue]
* [http://www.native-languages.org/ohlone.htm Native Languages - Ohlone]

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