African Leopard

African Leopard

name = African Leopard
status = LC

image_width = 240px
image_caption = African leopard in Namibia
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Carnivora
familia = Felidae
genus = "Panthera"
species = "P. pardus"
subspecies = "P. p. pardus"
trinomial = "Panthera pardus pardus"
trinomial_authority = (Linnaeus, 1758)

The African Leopard is the most common leopard subspecies with the least conservation concern.

Physical description

The African leopard varies in base color throughout Africa. Depending on the location and habitat, they can vary from reddish brown, through dark yellow to cream. African leopards are covered in black rosettes, usually without spots within them, the pattern of rosettes being unique to each individual. Male leopards are larger and heavier than females.

Diet and Hunting

Leopards have a very varied diet which includes insects, rodents, reptiles, and even large mammals, and will occasionally take domestic livestock when other food is scarce. They are very strong and they have been known to carry prey many times their own weight (such as Blue Wildebeest) up into trees to protect the carcass from scavengers. They are nocturnal and usually don’t hunt until dusk. However, they are opportunists and will hunt in the daylight when necessary.

Leopards are very stealthy and like to stalk close and run a relatively short distance after their prey. They kill through suffocation by grabbing their prey by the throat and biting down with their powerful jaws. They rarely fight other predators for their food because the risk of injury, which could prove fatal if it prevented hunting. Leopards can get some of their water from prey, but need to drink to survive.


African leopards inhabit all of Africa, ranging from mountainous regions to grasslands and savannas. They can also live in desert and forest areas. They are very resilient and adaptable to their environment. They are often found resting or eating in trees.


*" Leopard." 1 Bigcat Rescue. 14 Feb. 2008 .
*"African Leopard » Panthera pardus » 'Luiperd'." 1 SafarNow. 14 Feb. 2008 .
*"Leopard {Panthera pardus}" 22 June 2008 .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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