[ITIS|ID=700227|taxon="Hydrophis"|year=2007|date=7 September] ]Anatomy
Head small, body long and slender anteriorly; scales on thickest part of body subquadrangular or hexagonal in shape, juxtaposed or slightly imbricate; 5-6 maxillary teeth behind fangs; 2 anterior temporals; body scales in 28-33 rows around the neck, 47-58 around midbody (increase in number of rows from neck to midbody 20-27); ventral scales 414-514 (average 460); anterior part of body including head and neck dark olive to black with pale oval yellowish spots on sides, sometimes connected as crossbars; posterior, grayish; below whitish; dark rhomboidal spots may extend down the sides of the body and form complete annuli in young. Total length males 1100 mm, females 990 mm; tail length males 100 mm, females 75 mm.
Indian Ocean (coasts of Pakistan, India, Myanmar (= Burma), Thailand, Malaysia)Coasts of Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Borneo)Coasts of Australia, Philippines, New GuineaCoasts of Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian (China)
* Bergman, R. A. M. 1962 The anatomy of "Hydrophis fasciatus atriceps". Biol. Jaarb. 30: 389-416