SSB might be an acronym or abbreviation for:

* The "Super Smash Bros." series.
** "Super Smash Bros.", the first game in the "Super Smash Bros." series.
* Sacramento Sustainable Business, environmentally-friendly business recognition program operated by the Business Environmental Resource Center (BERC).
* Salomon Smith Barney, a former investment firm, now part of CitiGroup
* Sathya Sai Baba
* Schulich School of Business, a business school in York University
* Services Selection BoardSelection board for selecting cadets to be trained to become Indian Army/Navy officers.
* SG-SSB, orSociete GeneraleSocial Security Bank”, in Ghana.
* Ship Submersible Ballistic, the US Navy name for a ballistic missile submarine
* Single-sideband modulation in radio technology
* Single-strand binding protein
* Single-stranded DNA Break
* Site Specific Browser
* Sjogren syndrome antigen B, a human gene
* Societas Sanctae Birgittae, the Society of Saint Bridget
* Society of the Sisters of Bethany, an Anglican Religious order
* Spontaneous symmetry breaking, a concept in Physics
* Star Spangled Banner, the national anthem of the United States
* State Street Bank, a financial services provider. Offers benchmarking, investment management and securities administration.
* Statistisk Sentralbyrå, the Norwegian statistics bureau
* Strategic Support Branch
* Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG, public transport operator in Stuttgart, Germany
* Sunshine Skyway Bridge
* Sustainable South Bronx, environmental justice organization
* Secret Service Bureau of the United Kingdom, now called the Secret Intelligence Service

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  • SSB — Social Security Board. * * * abbrev Single sideband transmission * * * SSB (no periods), 1. single sideband. 2. Social Security Board. * * * abbr. single sideband transmission, a type of amplitude modulation in which the carrier wave and one… …   Useful english dictionary

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