- Ristella travancorica
Taxobox | name = Travancore Ristella
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Reptilia
ordo =Squamata
subordo =Sauria
familia =Scincidae
genus = "Ristella "
species = "R. travancorica"
binomial = "Ristella travancorica"
binomial_authority = (Beddome, 1870)Travancore Ristella ("Ristella travancorica") is a species of
skink endemic to theWestern Ghats . It is also called the Travancore Cat Skink.Characteristics of the genus "Ristella"
Palatine and pterygoid bones in contact on the median line of the palate, which is toothless;palatine notch small, far behind , corresponding to the posterior notch of the tongue. Teeth conical. Eyelids well developed, scaly. Ear-opening distinct. Nostril pierced in a single nasal; no supranasals; prefrontals small or coalesced; frontoparietals and interparietal distinct. Limbs well developed, anterior with 4, posterior with 5 digits; claws completely retractile into a large compressed sheath formed of one large scale cleft beneath. Found in the
Western Ghats of southern India. [Boulenger, G.A.(1890) Fauna of British India. Reptilia and Batrachia.]Description
Ear-opening not or but slightly larger than the nostril; third to sixth upper labials below the eye. Dorsal scales sharply bicarinate; 24, rarely 26 scales round the middle of the body. Otherwise as in "R. rurkii". Reddish brown above, each dorsal scale usually with a dark brown dot; usually a rather indistinct darker lateral band; lower surfaces uniform whitish. From snout to vent 1.5 inches.
Western Ghats , Tirunelveli HillsNotes
* Beddome,R.H. 1870 Descriptions of some new lizards from the Madras Presidency. Madras Monthly J. Med. Sci. 1: 30-35
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