- Anthony J. Carr
Anthony J. Carr (born 1932,
Birmingham, England ) is a Britishnurse andclergyman .Carr was born in
Birmingham, England , the eldest of three boys. Leaving school at 14 years and poorly educated, he began working life in a factory graduating to becoming a wardorderly at 18 years after becoming aconscientious objector .He entered general nurse training at Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, at the age of eighteen (18) becoming a Qualified Nurse in 1954. He successively held the posts of:
district nurse , assistant matron, area officer of theRoyal College of Nursing and Principal of the William Rathbone Staff College, Liverpool.He followed this by the appointment as Chief Nursing Officer over nine hospitals in the Wirral,
Cheshire . He ended this part of his career by becoming Chief Nursing Officer over 17 hospitals and the community nursing services in the city ofNewcastle-upon-Tyne for fourteen years. During that time he was also a pastoral elder of the Assemblies of God Church Bethshan in the city.During that time he became chairman of two important working parties at the department of health. In 1975 he chaired a working party of the Education and Training of SRN/RGN in District Nursing and later chaired another group on the Education and Training of the Enrolled Nurse in the Community. Action on the former report resulted in district nurse training being moved to colleges of further and higher education and paved the way for the present degree in district nursing. For this work he was awarded a Fellowship of the
Royal College of Nursing .He was one of four members of a committee (Cumberledge) set up by the
Secretary of State for Health in 1985 to review theCommunity Nursing Service s inEngland Minister
In 1990 he took up another career as a minister in a
Christian church becoming ordained and an accredited minister in theFree Methodist Church of North America and obtaining a bachelors degree inTheology in 1998 and the degrees of Master of Religious Arts and Doctor of Sacred Literature in 2006.He is at present minister of Wren’s Chapel Wroxall Abbey,
Warwickshire and the Renewal Christian Centre,Solihull .External links
* [http://www.ajcarr.org A. J. Carr website 1]
* [http://www.freemethodist.org.uk Free Methodist Church United Kingdom]
* [http://www/rcn.org.uk/aboutus/fellows/car/php Fellowship of the Royal College of Nursing]
* [http://www.sermon-prompts.co.uk A. J. Carr website 2]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.