1940 in art

1940 in art

List of years in Art


*Xawery Dunikowski is deported to the concentration camp at Auschwitz, where he survives until 1945.


*Archibald Prize: Max Meldrum - "Dr J Forbes McKenzie"



*Jacob Epstein -"Jacob and the Angel"
*Edward Hopper - "Gas"


*Carl Milles - "The Wedding of the Waters" (fountain, St. Louis, Missouri)


*6 January - John Byrne, Scottish painter and writer.
*24 January - Mel Bochner, conceptual artist.
*7 March - Hannah Wilke, American painter, sculptor and photographer (d.1993).
*20 March - Mary Ellen Mark, photographer.
*17 June - Alton Kelley, American poster and album artist (d.2008).
*5 July - Chuck Close, "photorealistic" painter.
*10 September - David Mann, painter.
*27 September - Rudolph Moshammer, German fashion designer (d.2005).

Full date unknown

*Vito Acconci, conceptual artist, installation artist, performance artist and filmmaker.
*Elizabeth Murray, American painter, printmaker and draughtsman (d.2007).
*Jaune Quick-To-See Smith, painter and printmaker.


*February 27 - Nicolae Tonitza, painter and etcher
*June 21 - Édouard Vuillard, painter (b. 1868)
*June 29 - Paul Klee, Swiss painter expressionism, cubism, and surrealism (b. 1879)
*September 15 - Dick Ket, painter
*November 17 - Eric Gill, sculptor and engraver
* Jonas Lie, landscape painter
* Walter Benjamin, German philosopher, "comparatists" and art critic (b. 1892)

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