Giuseppe Lauricella

Giuseppe Lauricella

Giuseppe Lauricella (1867-1913) was an Italian mathematician who is remembered today for his contributions to analysis and the theory of elasticity.

Born in Agrigento (Sicily), he studied at the University of Pisa, where his professors included Luigi Bianchi, Ulisse Dini and Vito Volterra. He taught in secondary schools from 1895 to 1898, then became a professor at the University of Catania. He died in Catania at age 45 from scarlet fever which he contracted from one of his children.


* Lauricella hypergeometric series F_A, F_B, F_C, F_D

* Lauricella's theorem (regarding approximation using orthogonal functions)

* Sherman-Lauricella integral equation of elasticity


* Tricomi: "La matematica italiana 1800-1950", 1962

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