Adso of Montier-en-Der

Adso of Montier-en-Der

Adso of Montier-en-Der ( _la. Adso Dervensis) (died 992) was abbot of the Cluniac monastery of Montier-en-Der Abbey in France, and died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; he was one of the foremost European writers of the tenth century.

Born of rich and noble parents, he was educated at Luxeuil Abbey, was called to Toul as instructor of the clergy, and made abbot of Moutier-en-Der in 960. He was the friend of Gerbert, afterwards Pope Sylvester II, of Abbo of Fleury, and other famous men of his time.


His writings include hymns, lives of saints, among them a life of Saint Mansuetus, Bishop of Toul (485-509), a metrical rendering of the second book of the Dialogues of Pope Gregory I, and a tractate "De Antichristo" or in full "Epistola Adsonis ad Gerbergam reginam de ortu et tempore antichristi" in the form of a letter to Gerberga of Saxony, wife of Louis IV d'Outremer).

This latter work has been attributed to Rabanus Maurus, Alcuin, and even to St. Augustine, and is quoted by Döllinger among other writings of the medieval conception of Antichrist. It is printed among the works of Alcuin (Patrologia Latina, CI, 1289-93). The other writings of Adso are also found in Migne ("Patrologia Latina", CXXXVI, 589-603).

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* [ Bibliography of Adso's works and online texts]

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