Vamana Purana

Vamana Purana

Vamana Purana, one of the major eighteen Puranas, a Hindu religious text, is devoted to the Vamana avatar of Vishnu. It has a eulogy praising both Vishnu and Shiva.

There are ten characteristics evident in Vamana Purana (in fact, in all or most of the Puraans). [ [ Vamana Purana - Spiritual Literature Of India - Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita And Other Scriptures Of India ] ]

They are:

Sarg deals with the descriptions of the origin of this universe. Visarg enlightens us as to how a living thing transforms itself from one species to another. Sthaan, Poshan, Uti and Vritti deal with the descriptions of various means which are employed by a man for his survival. Raksha describes about the various incarnations of Lord Vishnu which he takes for the protection of the humankind. Manvantara deals with the complete description of the history of the whole Manvantara period. Vansh describe about the lineage of all the kings including Lord Brahma. Upaashraya enlightens us on the real meaning of Brahma.


The printed editions of this work has 96 chapters. At the beginning (chapter 1), Narada asks Pulastya about the assumption of the "Vamana" avatara by Vishnu. Chapters 34-42 give a detailed and exhaustive account of the tirthas, rivers and forests of Kurukshetra region.


Further reading

*Mani, Vettam. "Puranic Encyclopedia". 1st English ed. New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1975.

External links

* [ Synopsis of Vamana Purana]

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