1978 World Series of Poker

1978 World Series of Poker

The 1978 World Series of Poker (WSOP) was held in May 1978 at Binion's Horseshoe. [ [http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/festival.php?a=r&n=1324 thehendonmob.com 9th World Series of Poker (WSOP) 1978] ] and was the first WSOP that wasn't a winner-take-all prize. Instead the tournament had a progressive prize structure, as follows 50% for the Winner then 20% for second, 15% for third, 10% for forth and 5% for fifth place. [http://gaming.unlv.edu/WSOP/annual/1978.html gaming.unlv.edu - Summary of 1978 Tournament] ]

Preliminary events

Main Event

There were 42 entrants to the main event. Each paid $10,000 to enter the tournament. This was the first time that the main event paid a prize to any players other than the winner.

Final table

Fall of World Champions

*Day one: Johnny Moss, Thomas "Amarillo Slim" Preston, Walter "Puggy" Pearson, Brian "Sailor" Roberts, Doyle Brunson

Other notable players

Ken Smith, Gabe Kaplan and Barbara Freer (the first woman player).


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