Pirkanmaa (constituency)

Pirkanmaa (constituency)

Pirkanmaa (formerly Häme North) is a constituency represented in the Finnish "Eduskunta" (parliament). It covers the administrative region of Pirkanmaa, with a population of 453,978 (as of 2002). Pirkanmaa currently elects 18 members of the "Eduskunta".

The constituency is largely urban, centred around the traditionally working-class city of Tampere. The largest party in the parliamentary elections has been the Social Democratic Party of Finland, although it has as many seats as the conservative National Coalition.

Current members of parliament 2007–

* Mikko Alatalo (Kesk.)
* Marko Asell (SDP)
* Jukka Gustafsson (SDP)
* Harri Jaskari (Kok.)
* Saara Karhu (SDP)
* Mikko Kuoppa (Vas)
* Heikki A. Ollila (Kok.)
* Klaus Pentti (Kesk.)
* Leena Rauhala (KD)
* Tero Rönni (SDP)
* Pertti Salovaara (Kesk.)
* Kimmo Sasi (Kok.)
* Arto Satonen (Kok.)
* Minna Sirnö (Vas)
* Marja Tiura (Kok.)
* Oras Tynkkynen (Vihr.)
* Pia Viitanen (SDP)
* Pertti "Veltto" Virtanen (Independent on True Finns list)

* KD = Christian Democrats
* Kesk. = Centre
* Kok. = National Coalition
* SDP = Social Democrats
* Vas. = Left Alliance
* Vihr. = Greens

Election results

Election Summary net Party
party = Social Democratic Party of Finland
seats = 5
net = 0
seats % = 27.8
votes % = 25.6
votes = 63,382
plus/minus = +1.8%
Election Summary net Party
party = National Coalition Party (Finland)
seats = 5
net = 0
seats % = 27.8
votes % = 22.8
votes = 56,443
plus/minus = -1.3%
Election Summary net Party
party = Centre Party (Finland)
seats = 3
net = +1
seats % = 16.7
votes % = 16.6
votes = 40,957
plus/minus = +1.9%
Election Summary net Party
party = Left Alliance (Finland)
seats = 2
net = -1
seats % = 11.1
votes % = 12.5
votes = 63,382
plus/minus = -3.5%
Election Summary net Party
party = Green League
seats = 2
net = +1
seats % = 11.1
votes % = 9.7
votes = 24,050
plus/minus = +2.7%
Election Summary net Party
party = Christian Democrats (Finland)
seats = 1
net = 0
seats % = 5.6
votes % = 6.1
votes = 14,991
plus/minus = +1.5%
Election Summary net Other
party = Kirjava "puolue"
seats = 0
net = 0
seats % = 0.0
votes % = 2.5
votes = 6,265
plus/minus = -0.9%
Election Summary net Party
party = Communist Party of Finland
seats = 0
net = 0
seats % = 0.0
votes % = 2.2
votes = 5,430
plus/minus = +0.9%
Election Summary net Other
party = other groups
seats = 0
net = 0
seats % = 0.0
votes % = 1.9
votes = 4,732
plus/minus = n/a

See also

* Parliamentary constituencies of Finland

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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