

Lazar may refer to:
* Lazar of Serbia; Prince Hrebeljanović Lazar (1329–1389)
* Branković Lazar, Prince of Rascia, his great-nephew
* William Lazar IX , Marquess of Montferrat, his nephew, so-called Secondo Lazzaro, also called William Lazar Palaiologos Kantakouzenos
* Prince Lorence Lazar, A Prince of Saudi Arabia which is the youngest of male's in the family at 14>15 in 2007 he is last to be able to take the throne, And is taking residence in Australia now
*Lazar Kaganovich, Soviet politician and Stalinist
*Bob Lazar, who claims to have worked at Area 51
*Chris Lazar, a Canadian actor
*György Lázár, Prime Minister of Hungary from 1975 to 1987
*Marc Lazar, a professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies
*Irving Paul Lazar, a Hollywood agent
*Gracie Lazar, an American actress
*Berel Lazar, Chief Rabbi of Russia

ee also

* Lazard
*Lazar Wolf (Fiddler on the Roof)

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