

Kalmartrissan is the name of a yo-yo that has been made in almost the same way since 1932. The company that makes it, Elfverson & Co., lies in Påryd, about 30 km from the city of Kalmar in Småland, Sweden, which explains the name of the toy. The yo-yo is unique in that it is made in wood and in one-piece (it is therefore not glued together, as most yo-yos are). The wood is beech. The yo-yo has a logo depicting the Castle of Kalmar, one of the best kept renaissance castles in Europe.

External links

* [http://www.elfverson.se/trissan/page1.htm Kalmartrissan, official website]
* [http://www.elfverson.se/English.htm Elfverson & Co.] (Click on "Yo-yo Museum" for images of yo-yos from as far back as the 1940s)
* [http://www.elfverson.se/trissan/Canada.htm Yo-yos made for the Canadian market]

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