

Infobox German Location Subdivision
name_ = Fuhlsbuettel
german_name = Fuhlsbüttel
image_photo = Hamburg_airport.jpeg
image_caption = Hamburg airport terminal 2
of_city_coa = Coat of arms of Hamburg.svg
type = Quarter
article_ = of
of_city = Hamburg
of_town =
image_coa =
map_ =

lat_deg = | lat_min = | lat_sec =
lon_deg = | lon_min = | lon_sec =
state_ =
district_NUTS =
borough_ = Hamburg-Nord
subdivision_ =
_office =
free_adm_1 =
free_adm_1_txt =
area = 6.6
population =
pop_date =
popu_ref =
postal_code =
area_code = 040
license_plate = HH
free_2 =
free_2_txt =
year_f =

image_plan = HH-Fuhlsbüttel-quarter.jpg

Fuhlsbüttel is a urban quarter in the north of Hamburg, Germany in the destrict Hamburg-Nord. It is known as the site of Hamburg's international airport, and as the location of a prison which served as a concentration camp in the Nazi system of repression.


In 1871 at the declaration of the German Reich the village Fuhlsbüttel was given to the State Hamburg.

Concentration camp Fuhlsbüttel

On March 4, 1933 parts of the prison Fühlsbüttel, originally built as a regular prison in 1879, were converted to a subcamp of the concentration camp Neuengamme [ [http://bundesrecht.juris.de/begdv_6/anlage_6.html Official German list de icon] ] three months after Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor of Germany (January 30, 1933). First it was placed under the control of the SA. Most of the inmates were anti-Nazi sympathizers, Jews, Jehovah Witnesses, Roma, homosexual men and others whom the regime wanted to lock up. In 1936 the Gestapo started controlling the camp, then called "Polizeigefängnis Fuhlsbüttel" (Police prison). Over 700 people were interned in the camp following Kristallnacht in 1938. The Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp was referred to as "Kola-Fu" (Abbreviation for Konzentrationslager Fuhlsbüttel) in common parlance and became a synonym for oppression and death through hard labor. Fuhlsbüttel was often an initial point of incarceration for prisoners who were sent on to other camps such as Buchenwald, Esterwegen, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück or Sachsenhausen. The camp was liberated on May 3, 1945, by which time over 250 people had been murdered there.

A camp memorial has been constructed nearby.


In 2006 according to the statistical office of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, the quarter Fuhlsbüttel has a total area of convert|6.6|km²|0|lk=on.



In 2006 in the quarter Fuhlsbüttel were living 11,890 people. The population density was convert|1806|PD/sqkm|0|abbr=on. 14.6% were children under the age of 18, and 20.5% were 65 years of age or older. 9.7% were immigrants. 508 people were registered as unemployed. [Residents registration office, source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)] In 1999 there were 6,768 households and 49.7% of all households were made up of individuals. [Source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (1999)]

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt), in the quarter Fuhlsbüttel were 5,004 private cars registered (425 cars/1000 people).Source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)]

There were 2 elementary schools and 1 secondary school in the quarter Fuhlsbüttel and 26 physicians in private practice and 5 pharmacies.

Notable buildings

*St. Marien Lutheran Church



* [http://www.statistik-nord.de/fileadmin/regional/regional.php Statistical office Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein] Statistisches Amt für Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein, official website (in german)

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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