

Regulator may refer to:

*Regulator (automatic control), a device which has the function of maintaining a designated characteristic
*Battery regulator, a device in a battery pack which bleeds off excess charge current to let all cells reach full charge without overcharging some cells
*Diving regulator, which provides a scuba diver with breathing gas at ambient pressure from a diving cylinder
*Gas pressure regulator, a device that is attached to propane, acetylene or butane cylinders to provide a workable low-pressure gas stream from which equipment can be safely operated
*Voltage regulator, in electronics
*The regulator of a number field in algebraic number theory (see Dirichlet's unit theorem); a quantity defined from the group of units. After taking logarithms, it has the interpretation of the volume of a fundamental domain in the lattice of units in 'logarithmic space'
*"The Regulator", the English name of the French Steampunk comic "Le Régulateur" as published in "Heavy Metal"
*Regulator, in physics, a construction used in regularization techniques—see regularization (physics)
*Regulator, in social science, an official responsible for control and supervision of an activity or area of public interest
*Regulator, in a steam locomotive, the lever and associated valve which controls the passage of steam from the boiler to the cylinders
*Regulator, a naval police officer in the United Kingdom, a member of the Royal Navy Regulating Branch
*Regulator, a precision pendulum clock used as a standard for "regulating" other timepieces or for timing astronomical observations

Regulators may refer to:-
*A regulatory agency, a body that establishes, monitors, reforms and enforces regulations. See for example competition regulator, economic regulator or Civil Aviation Authority
* Regulators Society, a secret society formed in 1853 at Norwich University, which has ties to theta Chi International Fraternity
*"Regulate (song)", a rap song by Warren G and Nate Dogg
*"The Regulators", a novel written under Stephen King's pen name, Richard Bachman

American History

*Participants in the Regulator-Moderator Conflict in western South Carolina, 1761-1769, who were eventually opposed by the Moderators
*Members of the Regulator movement, a small-scale rebellion in North Carolina during the 1760s
*Members of Shays' Rebellion in 1786, also known as Shaysites
*Bands of vigilantes calling themselves Regulators, who arose in Northern Illinois in the 1830s and 1840s, in response to the depredations of the Banditti of the Prairie
*Participants in the Regulator-Moderator War in East Texas in 1839-1844
*The Lincoln County Regulators, a posse formed during the Lincoln County War in the late 1870s; one of its members was Billy the Kid

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  • regulator — REGULATÓR, OÁRE, regulatori, oare, adj., subst. 1. adj. Care regulează, sistematizează, care stabileşte regularitatea unei mişcări sau a unei funcţii; care îndrumează sau conduce. 2. s.n. Aparat sau instalaţie care efectuează un proces de reglare …   Dicționar Român

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