Francesc Eiximenis

Francesc Eiximenis

Francesc Eiximenis (1340?-1409?, sometimes known as Francesc Examenis) was a Franciscan priest, encyclopedist and writer.


Eiximenis entered the order of Friars Minor at Barcelona sometime before 1351, when he was ordained subdeacon, but his first recommendable literary works were produced much later. He dedicated his works to nobles such as Pere d'Artès and he was asked by the jurats of Valencia city to write a treatise on the Regiment de la cosa pública, which was affixed to a table in the Town Hall after its completion. Most of his works, including "Christian encyclopedia Lo Crestià", were copied and translated into several languages. However his activities were not entirely literary, as it can be seen from the fact he participated actively in political events after having moved from Barcelona to Valencia. The Dominican Vicenç Ferrer, later canonized, was a contemporary rival of Eiximenis.

It has been claimed Eiximenis had Jewish ancestry, although no evidence to support this theory exists except for the fact that he knew Hebrew. Eiximenis was sent to examine the Hebrew works in the Jewish quarters in the late 14th century to attest to their acceptability.

One year before his death, Eiximenis became bishop of Elna (now in Roussillon, France, but at that time inside the Kingdom of Crown of Aragon). He died in Perpinyà.


He spent most of his life in Valencia and the Valencian Country. There he finished "Lo Crestià". The first book, "Primer", was written in Barcelona. And the other extant books ("Segon", "Terç", "Dotzè") where finished in Valencia. His life there was full of activity: He preached a crusade, assessed the city counselors (the "jurats"), founded a convent ("Sant Esperit", near the village of Gilet), and he wrote his major works in Catalan language even though there are some works in Latin which are remarkable.

After this full life, his last years were devoted to spiritual matters. This tendency appears already in the "Llibre de les Dones" ("Book of Women"). In spite of its title, the book is a condensed treatise of the Catholic faith. The "Llibre dels Àngels" (Book of Angels) is a unique treatise about angels and angelology.

During this time he also wrote the "Pastorale" in Latin. This book was addressed to the Bishop of Valencia, Hug de Llupià, and it is a book that explains the duties of the good bishop according to saint Gregory's "Pastorale". he also wrote a "Vida de Jesucrist" (Life of Jesus Christ or "Vita Christi" in Latin). This was his last work and one of his masterpieces. This work followed the well-established genre of the "Life of Jesus Christ" by other mystic and Franciscan writers, such as Ludolf of Saxony or Ubertino de Casale. It is a book that combines theological content with a popular style. The last part of the book sums up Eiximenis' eschatological thinking.


Published volumes of the "Complete Works of Francesc Eiximenis OFM" ( [] )
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Dotzè llibre del Crestià", vol. I,1, edited by Xavier Renedo, coordination by Sadurní Martí and "alii", Girona, Universitat de Girona-Diputació de Girona, 2005, lxvii + 619 pp. (Obres de Francesc Eiximenis, 1) ISBN 84-505-4332-0
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Dotzè llibre del Crestià", vol. II,1, edition by Curt Wittlin and "alii", Girona, Universitat de Girona-Diputació de Girona, 1986, xxxviii + 518 pp. (Obres de Francesc Eiximenis, 3) ISBN 84-505-4331-2
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Dotzè llibre del Crestià", vol. II,2, edition by Curt Wittlin and "alii", Girona, Universitat de Girona-Diputació de Girona, 1986, 649 pp. (Obres de Francesc Eiximenis, 4) ISBN 84-8458-237-X

Eiximenis' works and anthologies published elsewhere

* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Psalterium alias laudatorium Papae Benedicto XIII dedicatum", edited by Curt J. Wittlin, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1982, 327 pp. (Studies and Texts, 87) ISBN 0-88844-087-1.
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Lo crestià", edited by Albert Hauf, Barcelona, La Caixa-Ed. 62, 1983, 310 pp. (Les millors obres de la literatura catalana, 98) ISBN 84-297-2001-4.
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "De Sant Miquel Arcàngel : el quint tractat del "Libre dels àngels", edited and annoted by Curt J. Wittlin, Barcelona, Curial , 1983 (Clàssics Curial) ISBN 84-7256-208-5.
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Scala Dei : devocionari de la reina Maria", edited by Curt J. Wittlin, Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 1985, 97 pp. (El gra de blat, 55) ISBN 84-7202-739-2.
* "El "Tractat d'usura" de Francesc Eiximenis", edited by Josep Hernando i Delgado, Barcelona, Balmesiana, 1985, 96 pp.
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Prosa", edited by Xavier Renedo & Sergi Gascon, Barcelona, Teide, 1993 (Tria de clàssics, 8) ISBN 84-307-8438-1.
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Àngels e demonis. Quart tractat del "Llibre dels àngels", edited and commented by Sadurní Martí, Barcelona, Quaderns Crema, 2003, 247 pp. (Mínima minor, 90) ISBN 84-7727-394-4.
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "Llibres, mestres i sermons. Antologia de textos", edited by David Guixeras & Xavier Renedo, Barcelona, Barcino, 2005 (Biblioteca Barcino, 2) ISBN 84-7226-717-2.
* Eiximenis, Francesc, "An Anthology", translated by Robert D. Hughes, introduction by David Guixeras and Xavier Renedo, London, Tamesis Books, Publication date: 17/Jan/2008.


* Viera, David J., "Bibliografia anotada de la vida i obra de Francesc Eiximenis (1340-1409?)", Barcelona, Fundació Salvador Vives Casajoana, 1980, 131 pp. ISBN 84-232-0159-7
* Viera, David J. & Jordi Piqué, "La dona en Francesc Eiximenis", Barcelona, Curial, 1987, 184 pp. ISBN 84-7256-303-0
* "Studia bibliogaphica", Girona, Universitat de Girona-Diputació de Girona, 1991, viii+327 pp . (Estudis sobre Francesc Eiximenis, 1).
* Hauf, Albert, "D'Eiximenis a Sor Isabel de Villena : aportació a l'estudi de la nostra cultura medieval", València-Barcelona, Institut de Filologia Valenciana-PAM, 1990. ISBN 84-7826-153-2
* Brines, Lluís, "La Filosofia Social i Política de Francesc Eiximenis", Sevilla, Novaedició, 2004, 653 pp. ISBN 84-609-0477-6

External links

* [ The Complete Works of Francesc Eiximenis Editorial Board (University of Girona, Spain)]
* [ Webpage devoted to Francesc Eiximenis (lletrA (UOC), Catalan Literature Online)]

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