

Kadmon (born Gerhard Petak) is an Austrian musician and writer who records under the name Allerseelen and publishes written material and music under the name Aorta.

Musical work

Pre-Allerseelen work

Kadmon was a non-studio member of the influential occult music project Zero Kama with Michael DeWitt. "Remarkable the influences of DAF, Coil and Throbbing Gristle in the musical style of Kadmon who milited for a few months in Zero Kama without taking part at the recording of The Secret Eye of Laylah." [http://www.geocities.com/ahnstern/cdgotoskalanda.htm]


In 1989, Kadmon released his first cassette under his main project; Allerseelen.


Kadmon published a series of magazines in the late 1980s and early 1990s under the name Aorta, later using the name to release musical material as well.

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