Cyclemys oldhami

Cyclemys oldhami

name = Oldham's Leaf Turtle
status = NE
status_system = iucn2.3
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
ordo = Testudines
subordo = Cryptodira
superfamilia = Testudinoidea
familia = Geoemydidae
subfamilia = Geoemydinae
genus = "Cyclemys"
species = "C. oldhami"
binomial = "Cyclemys oldhami"
binomial_authority = Gray, 1863
synonyms = "Cyclemys shanensis" (but see text)

Oldham's Leaf Turtle, "Cyclemys oldhami", is a species of turtle in the family Geoemydidae (=Bataguridae).

It is found in the terai of India, in Myanmar, Thailand, W Borneo, Sumatra and Java. In addition, "Cyclemys oldhami shanensis" - sometimes considered a distinct species - occurs from central Myanmar to Thailand and Cambodia. The type locality was originally given as "Mergui and Siam", and restricted to Mergui by Smith (1931)Fact|date=September 2007.

A case of hybridization between a male "Cyclemys (oldhami) shanensis" and a female Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle has been described. [Parham "et al." (2001), Buskirk "et al." (2005)]



* (1918): Chelonia and Batrachia of the Inlé Lake. "Rec. Ind. Mus. (Calcutta)" 14: 67-69.
* (2005): On the hybridisation between two distantly related Asian turtles (Testudines: "Sacalia" × "Mauremys"). "Salamandra" 41: 21-26. [ PDF fulltext]
* (1997): Revision der südostasiatischen Dornschildkröten-Gattung "Cyclemys" Bell 1834, mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art. "Salamandra" 33(3): 183-212.
* (1863): Observations on the box tortoises, with the descriptions of three new Asiatic species. "Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London" 1863: 173-179.
* (1864): Observations on the box tortoises, with the description of three new asiatic species. "Annals and Magazine of Natural History" 13(3): 105-111.
* (2002): New data on the diversity of the Southeast Asian leaf turtle genus "Cyclemys" BELL, 1834. Molecular results (Reptilia: Testudines: Geoemydidae). "Faunistische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden" 23(4): 75-86.
* aut|Schilde, M. 2003 Die Dornschildkröten der Gattung "Cyclemys" BELL, 1834. "Draco" 4(13): 37-42.

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