John D'Arcy

John D'Arcy

Infobox Historic Cricketer

nationality = New Zealand
country = New Zealand
country abbrev = NZ
name = John D'Arcy
picture = Cricket_no_pic.pngbatting style = Right-hand bat
bowling style = -
tests = 5
test runs = 136
test bat avg = 13.59
test 100s/50s = 0/0
test top score = 33
test balls = -
test wickets = -
test bowl avg = -
test 5s = -
test 10s = -
test best bowling = -
test catches/stumpings = -/-
FCs = 53
FC runs = 2009
FC bat avg = 23.09
FC 100s/50s = 0/12
FC top score = 89
FC balls = 29
FC wickets = 1
FC bowl avg = 12.00
FC 5s = -
FC 10s = -
FC best bowling = 1/0
FC catches/stumpings = 26/-
debut date = 5 June
debut year = 1958
last date = 21 August
last year = 1958
source = Cricinfo

John William D'Arcy (born 23 April 1936 in Christchurch) played five Tests for New Zealand on their tour of England in 1958.

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