Takuto Meyers

Takuto Meyers

Infobox animanga character
name = Takuto Meyers
series = Galaxy Angel

caption = Takuto as he appears in Galaxy Angel II
first = Galaxy Angel (video game)
last =
creator =
voiced by = Yuji Ueda
age = 21 (25 in GA II)
born =

nihongo|Takuto Meyers|タクト マイヤーズ|Takuto Maiyāzu is a fictional character and the protagonist of the series "Galaxy Angel". He was introduced in the first Galaxy Angel game (entitled simply Galaxy Angel) that was released in 2003. He continued as the protagonist in the continuing games Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers (2004) and Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers (2005). He appears in the sequel game Galaxy Angel II as commander and mentor to the new protagonist Kazuya Shiranami, and as such is expected to appear in following sequels. He is voiced by veteran seiyuu Yuji Ueda.

While Japanese material (for example, the Galaxy Angel guidebook) gives his name as Tact Mayers, when the manga was brought over, the phonetic pronunciation of the katakana spelling of his name (TA-KU-TO) was used instead. The special edition DVDs of the anime included translated promotional material for the games that used his original name. When the game is finally brought overseas (if it ever will), it is unknown which transliteration will be used.


While a major character in the manga and game versions of Galaxy Angel, Takuto made no appearances in the anime. Likewise, major supporting characters from the anime, such as Normad, do not appear in the games.


When the company BROCCOLI launched Project G.A. in July 2000, the first appearance of the Angel Troupe was in the Galaxy Angel anime series that ran from 7 April 2001 to 29 September 2001. In that series, the Angels were portrayed as living on a space station and were members of the Transbaal Imperial Military. Their commander in that series was an elderly gentleman named Volcott. Takuto made no appearances at all throughout the entire anime run.

When an anime based on GA II was announced (entitled "Galaxy Angelrune- Galaxy Angel II"), there was speculation that it would be a more serious anime more akin to the game version of the Galaxy Angel universe than the comedic, slapstick anime version. There was also some expectation that Takuto would appear along with Kazuya for the first time. However, once Galaxy Angelrune premiered, it was clear that neither of the game protagonists would appear, at least in any significant roles.

There is, of course, the chance that they will make cameo appearances like other BROCCOLI characters.


Takuto first appeared and is most prominent in the Galaxy Angel trilogy of games (Galaxy Angel, Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers and Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers). He was portrayed as a brilliant but untraditional soldier and at the beginning of the first game is in charge of a small patrol fleet of a mere three ships along with his best friend Lester Cooldaras. While many of the other characters questioned his being put in command of the Elle Ciel, his old teacher Luft insisted he was the best man for the job.

In his second appearance in Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers, he is a respected hero for his part in foiling the coup d'etat of the exiled Prince Eonia. In the final game of the original trilogy, Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers, he is referred to by other characters as 'the Hero of Transbaal' and 'the Legendary Hero', commanding entire fleets made up of hundreds, if not thousands of warships.

In GAII, his reputation has grown further still and the primary villain addresses him mock-respectfully as 'the Hero of EDEN' and 'the Legendary Hero' on various occasions.


Takuto was also the main character of the Galaxy Angel manga, based on the game trilogy. This incarnation of Takuto was more of a slacker and skirt-chaser than the one in the games. However, he still demonstrated the same tactical and strategic skill he had in his game appearances.


Tact is defined by three things: his carefree attitude, his empathic nature and his sharp mind. While on the surface appearing to be unreliable and lazy, he is actually a highly competent strategist and tactician. As his friend Lester remarks in the opening scenes of the first Galaxy Angel game, while Tact's behaviour is embarrassing at times he is at his best when it matters the most.

Carefree attitude

Compared to other military characters who appear in the games (including Lester), Tact is very laid-back and considered a slacker by many other characters. This is not to be confused with mere laziness, however. Tact is portrayed as disliking high positions and trappings of power, as it often means more time attending meetings and events than actually accomplishing anything. This attitude was possibly the reason why he was assigned to a small, unimportant part of the Transbaal Empire (while it is also highly possible his reputation as a skirt-chaser had something to do with it as well).

Tact's behaviour does little to allay his reputation. He speaks using a casual form of Japanese to virtually all the other characters with the exceptions of Prince Shiva and Moon Goddess Shatoyan. Using such casual language when speaking to superiors is greatly frowned on in Japanese culture and may have contributed to his assignment to the remote area he was in at the beginning of the game.


Despite his apparently well-known reputation, however, those who are familiar with him are not fooled. Tact is very good at establishing rapport with his subordinates and often treats them as friends rather than underlings. This empathy is of tremendous aid to him, as he is able to inspire others and rally them around him. Even Mint Blancmanche, a telepath, wondered if he had telepathic ability as well due to the surprising accuracy he shows in identifying people's fears and how to alleviate them. Tact's natural kindness and concern for others around him also help him break down Prince Shiva's emotional barriers as well as earn the young royal's trust, and is evidenced by the complete faith Shiva shows in Tact's abilities in the later games.

This empathic ability has not diminished by the time of GAII, as Tact takes an active interest in the young pilot Kazuya Shiranami and helps the youth sort out his feelings for his teammates in the Rune Angel Troupe.

trategic ability

Because of his carefree persona and his slacker tendencies, many of the other characters tend to dismiss him as either being exceptionally lucky or overly reliant on the power of the Angel Troupe's Emblem Frames. However, Tact has a sharp, strategic mind and was General Luft's top student in the military academy.

On numerous occasions throughout the original trilogy, Tact manages to accurately second-guess his opponents. On one occasion, Tact inexplicably orders the Elle Ciel to drop out of Chrono Space (the Galaxy Angel equivalent of hyperspace) earlier than scheduled. When Almo and Coco, two of the bridge crew, point out this would take them some distance from a rendezvous with an allied fleet, he orders them to do so anyway. After emerging from Chrono Space, they see an enemy fleet waiting at the rendezvous point to ambush them. Lester wryly notes that made a good catch as Tact orders the Angel Troupe into battle and counter-ambushes the enemy fleet.

In the sequel series GAII, while forced into a defensive position for much of the game once on equal ground Tact manages to foil the enemy forces at almost every turn. When Forte Stollen was forced to work for the enemy as strategist, she was forced to keep a sizable number of her ships in reserve, fearing a trick by Tact. She managed to see through Tact's ploy, but her forces were unable to react in time.

Later still, when the Luxiole appears outnumbered and outgunned by the enemy main fleet and the previously unrevealed Shadow Moon, Tact secretly arranges for the Elle Ciel to arrive and decimate the enemy with the Chrono Break Cannon. The Chrono Break Cannon proves unable to penetrate the shield of the Shadow Moon, but as the villain gloats Tact unveils his own secret weapon: the Dual Chrono Break Cannon. During the final clash, the enemy commander recluctantly admits he felt as though he was a puppet at Tact's hands.


Throughout the games, Takuto maintains a carefree, relaxed attitude. He enjoys playing chess and other board games, and is the one who introduces Prince Shiva to the hobby as well. He is somewhat of a slacker, but this is because he detests paperwork and would much rather spend his time wandering his ship and get to know his crew. On occasion, this avoidance of duty has caused him some trouble (as in GAII when the Luxiole is unable to pursue an enemy fleet because, as Coco put it, "a "certain someone" never got around to submitting the paperwork for resupply,") he has proven capable of quickly catching up on it if he has to.

An inherently kind soul, Takuto is highly empathic and can connect with many of his subordinates (who he treats as friends and equals for the most part). He has a weakness for cute girls and beautiful women (a fact which has gotten him in trouble on more than one occasion).

Despite his skirt-chasing reputation, once paired up with one of the Angels he is a loyal and loving boyfriend. In the latter games he demonstrates a willingness to embarrass himself (as when he dressed up in a ridiculous costume to cheer for Ranpha) and try new things (if paired with Vanilla in Eternal Lovers, he attempts to make her a pair of mittens) to make his partner happy. A romantic at heart, Takuto once confided with the then-Prince Shiva that he believed that love could overcome any sort of difficulty, including age difference, difficulty in meeting or differences in personality.

While appearing to be unreliable, when it truly matters Takuto can be deadly serious and a dangerous opponent. He can also be ruthless if the need arises, as shown by his willingness to shoot down his own lover rather than let her and her Emblem Frame fall into the hands of the Val Fasq.

Despite his skills, success and reputation as a great hero, Takuto for the most part remains humble. Despite being a soldier, he dislikes having a high rank as he believes leaders should treat their crew as friends and comrades. The higher one climbs in rank, the harder it is to do so. He only accepted command of the Elle Ciel and later the massive Eonia Counterattack, EDEN Liberation and Val Fasq Counterattack fleets after it was made clear to him there was no one else, not even his own teacher Luft, who could do the job.


*It was implied in the first Galaxy Angel game that part of Tact's success came from the fact that Eonia's forces had no information about him. Eonia himself noted upon learning Tact's name that he'd never heard of him. It was also hinted that Eonia somehow obtained a list of notable officers according to threat and managed to neutralise many of them, thus severely weakening the Transbaal Empire's ability to react to his advance.

*In Eternal Lovers, Tact renames the Moon Angel Troupe the Galaxy Angels. His reasoning is that they are not longer protecting simply the White Moon, but the entire galaxy. However, this is not mentioned in Galaxy Angel II, where the previous Angel team is simply referred to as the Moon Angel Troupe.

*In Galaxy Angel II, there is a running gag where he accidentally touches Apricot Sakuraba. As she is afraid of most men (Kazuya being the exception because he reminds her of her older sister Milfie), she hurls him up into the air to land with a painful crunch, often knocking him out.

*There is another running gag where someone makes a derogatory comment about him and he takes it as a compliment, prompting the speaker to tell him it was not meant to be a compliment. For example, the following exchange:

Forte (after Tact makes a random statement): "Why'd you say something no one else understands? You never change."

Tact: "Haha, you're praising me so much..."

Forte: "That wasn't a compliment..."


Galaxy Angel (2003)

During Eonia's invasion, Takuto and Lester were patrolling a fairly distant part of the Transbaal Empire. Their small patrol fleet was attacked by Eonia's forces but they were saved by the arrival of the Angels and the Elsior. The Elsior at the time was commanded by General Luft, an old soldier who happened to be Takuto and Lester's teacher at the academy. To their surprise, Luft offered Takuto command of the Elsior and the Angels, partially because Luft himself had enough of a reputation as Prince Shiva's protector to be a target and partially because Takuto was an unknown. Luft's plan was to use himself as a decoy while Takuto protected Prince Shiva.

Takuto's rather carefree attitude did not sit well with many of the crew of the Elsior (as it was known in this game, before the name was rebooted into Elle Ciel), including the operators Almo and Coco. Even among the Angels, Forte and Ranpha were the most vocal in questioning Takuto's ability, while the others at least had their doubts. Most would have preferred that the vice commander Lester be put in charge, if only because he seemed to be taking the entire affair seriously.

Luft's belief in Takuto is vindicated, however, when he manages to fight off successive attacks from Eonia's forces. When Eonia himself personally calls on Takuto to surrender Shiva and the Elsior in return for clemency and a place in his New Transbaal Empire, Takuto bluntly refuses. Through actions like that, Takuto slowly earns the trust of his crew, eventually getting together with one of the five Angels (which girl it is, of course, depends on the actions the player took during the course of the game).

Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers (2004)

In Moonlit Lovers, Takuto's activities following Eonia's defeat varies according to which Angel's route is followed. With Ranpha, Mint and Vanilla's routes, Takuto is still in command of the Elsior, Lester at his side. In Forte's route, Forte is Takuto's second in command and Lester rejoins the crew later on. On Milfie's route, both she and Takuto have resigned from the military and are vacationing when the remnants of Eonia's forces attack. Chitose's route has Takuto and Lester back in their patrol fleet, Takuto remniscing about the good times they had on the Elsior. On all routes, however, Takuto and the Angels are reunited to stand against the Eonia remnants led by General Rezum, then the mysterious Val-Fasq led by a woman named Nephelia. Despite various ups and downs, by the time of the final clash with Nephelia's super battleship, Takuto and his Angel's relationship is stronger than before. This allows him to join her aboard the GA-007 and help her focus her emotions enough to cancel out Nephelia's seemingly impenetrable shield and destroy her ship with the Chrono Break Cannon.

Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers (2005)

In Eternal Lovers, Takuto has become known as a great hero. However, not all is well. Very early in the game, Takuto has a nightmare in which he and the Angel Troupe are overwhelmed by hundreds of enemy ships, and then wiped out by a Chrono Quake (the disaster that wiped out most of the galaxy's technology centuries ago). Fortunately, Takuto wakes up in his romantic partner's room, and that Angel comforts him with an embrace (unless it's Vanilla, who holds Takuto's hand instead with the same amount of emotion as someone else's embrace). Unfortunately, this intimacy is soon compromised; because of Noah's warning that the Val-Fasq will eventually arrive in force, Takuto becomes increasingly busy. So busy, in fact, that he rarely has time to spend with his Angel (and is often exhausted whenever he is able to see her anyway). When the Val-Fasq do arrive, Takuto and the others discover they are pursuing a small ship. Upon rescuing the vessel, they learn it is piloted by Lushati and Wine, two natives of EDEN. To Takuto's (and everyone else's) surprise, they inform him he is so famous that even the people of the legendary EDEN have heard of him and so have come to him to beg him to liberate EDEN from the Val-Fasq. During the battles that follow, Takuto and his Angel's relationship is severely tested, especially when sabotage forces Takuto to shoot her down before her Angel Frame is captured by the enemy, and when the innocent Lushati turns out to have been an unwitting pawn of Wine, who is actually a Val-Fasq himself in disguise. Eventually, Takuto leads the Transbaal forces to victory, liberating EDEN, and then defeating the Val-Fasq once and for all by going into his romantic partner's Angel Frame and providing moral support for the Angel to counter the Chrono Quake Bomb (the Val-Fasq's attempt to recreate the Chrono Quake of centuries ago). At the end, he and his Angel are finally free to settle down together.

For the route-specific developments in the game story, see the Moon Angel character pages.

Galaxy Angel II: Zettai Ryouiki no Tobira (2006)

4 years later, Tact is now a commodore and in command of the Luxiole, a Lost Technology ship designed and built as successor to the Elle Ciel. He has also since married one of the six Angels (in the manga, this is Milfeulle Sakuraba, but the player can select any of the six. In fact, later in the game, although Kazuya Shiranami is the main character, there is one romantic scene between Tact and whoever his wife is depending on the player's choice in the beginning. This usually results in Kazuya reacting with shock and/or confusion, not having known who Tact married previously until that scene). In addition, he is commander of the NEUE Defense Fleet and as such wields a surprising amount of power, albeit reluctantly. As a result of his leadership during the Eonia Coup, Val-Fasq invasion and the liberation of EDEN, he is known far and wide as the Hero of EDEN or the Legendary Hero even among the natives of NEUE.

Not long after welcoming the new member of the Rune Angel Troupe, Kazuya Shiranami, Tact once again finds himself in the role of Legendary Hero once more.

External links

* [http://galaxyangel.wikia.com/wiki/Takuto_Meyers Takuto Meyers] on [http://galaxyangel.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page The Galaxy Angel Wiki] at [http://www.wikia.com Wikia] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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