Mirari Vos

Mirari Vos

Mirari Vos - On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism is the first encyclical of Pope Gregory XVI and was issued in 1832. Addressed "To All Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World", it is general in scope.

It is principally a denunciation of the doctrine of religious pluralism as dangerous for the souls of the faithful. It also voiced support for Christian freedom, upheld the ecclesiastical supremacy of the papacy and raised concerns over too close alliances between the clergy and government.



Ecclesiastic supremacy of the papacy

The ecclesiastic supremacy of the papacy remains in force, although it has been somewhat diluted by the advocacy of collegiality during the Second Vatican Council.[citation needed]

Religious pluralism

Mirari Vos's opposition to religious pluralism was considerably softened by the constitutions of the Second Vatican Council.[citation needed] In particular, Gaudium et Spes approves of the pluralistic culture of modernity,[citation needed] while Dignitatis Humanae supports Church-State separation and human rights.[citation needed]

Condemnation of Freemasonry

It has subsequently been quoted in papal denunciations of Freemasonry; the Church's prohibition of membership in Masonic associations is still in force, as it has been since 1738.

See also

External links


  • Broderick, Robert (editor) (1987). The Catholic Encyclopedia. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. Page 392.

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