- LGV Rhin-Rhône
The LGV Rhin-Rhône is a high-speedrailway line under construction running betweenStrasbourg andLyon , inFrance . It will be used byTGV trains operated bySNCF , the French national railway company. The eastern branch, a new line betweenDijon andMulhouse , will become a key link in both the North-South and East-West transport corridors. The line will have a large regional, national, and intra-European impact.Route
* The North-South line would help connect Germany, the north of Switzerland, eastern France, the valleys of the
Saône , Rhône, and the Mediterranean arc and finally to Nice (extending toCatalonia ).
*The East-West line would help connect London, Brussels,Lille , Île-de-France,Burgundy ,Franche-Comté , southAlsace , southern Baden, and the French and German-speakingSwitzerland . It is projected that 12 million passengers will use the LGV Rhine-Rhône service which will begin in 2012. The estimated cost of the project is 2.053 billion euros. A connection will be built at Perrigny, south of Dijon, to serve TGV and freight trains. Auxon station will be connected to Besancon-Viotte station by a railway line which could be also used for commuter trains. The construction of the LGV Rhine-Rhône will be undertaken by Rail Network of France (RFF).A total of 12 of France's 21 metropolitan regions will benefit from the project including:
*Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
* LorraineConstruction
Construction of the line has been divided into various sub-projects:
* Eastern branch, from
Mulhouse toDijon (190 km fromGenlis toLutterbach )
* Western branch, crossing Dijon, joining the LGV Sud-Est nearMontbard
* Southern branch, from Dijon toLyon Construction started at the north of
Besançon August 7 2006 .Eastern branch
The eastern branch is currently the furthest advanced.The finance agreement for the first phase of the eastern branch which connects Villers les Pots (east of Dijon) to Petit-Croix (southeast of Belfort) was signed
28 February 2006 . Subsequent to preparatory works in 2005, construction officially started onJuly 3 ,2006 by a ceremony inVillersexel-Les Margny ,Haute-Saône . This section is projected to enter service around 2011.Finance
Financing of the €2 billion project (excluding rolling stock) is broken down as follows:
* RFF: 642
*SNCF : 94
*Switzerland : 66
*Bourgogne : 131
*Franche-Comté : 316
*Alsace : 206
*Rhône-Alpes : 66
* French government: 785
*European union : 200Journey times
Upon completion of the Eastern branch:
* Strasbourg-Lyon 3:15, eventually 2:05 (currently 4:35)
* Belfort-Paris 2:20 (currently 3:50)
* Strasbourg-Marseille, eventually 4:30ee also
High-speed rail
*TGV External links
* [http://www.lgvrhinrhone.com/english.php Ligne à Grande Vitesse Rhin-Rhône]
* [http://www.ass-tgv-rhin-rhone.net/ Association Trans-Europe TGV Rhin-Rhône Méditerranée]
* [http://www.rff.fr/pages/projets/fiche_projet.asp?lg=fr&code=147&codeRegion=9 RFF]
* [http://www.railwaygazette.com/features_view/article/2007/09/7728/inter_regional_tgv_line_will_have_an_international_impact.html Inter-regional TGV line will have an international impact]
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