

An infusion is the outcome of plants with a desired flavour in water or oil.

An infusion is very similar to a decoction but is used with herbs that are more volatile or dissolve readily in water or release their active ingredients easily in oil. Making an infusion is virtually the same as making tea from leaves. Pour boiling water over the herb (or water of the appropriate temperature) and allow to steep for a time, usually 15 to 30 minutes or until the mix cools. The mix is then strained, bottled, and refrigerated for future use. Quantities of the herb/water or oil mix will vary according to the herb or how strong you want the mix. Common measurements are one ounce of herb to one pint of liquid but this may vary greatly.


* Herbs or other plants can be placed in boiling water for a few minutes, then discarded, and the water drunk as a beverage. A common example is tea. Many other drinks, often called herbal teas although they may contain no tealeaves, are prepared in this way. Lemon, chamomile, senna, apple, ginger, rooibos, and a great many other plants are used individually or in combination. Infusions of this type are sometimes drunk for pleasure; others are claimed to be advantageous for health.
* Herbal remedies and essential oils are prepared with 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb, or 2 to 4 fresh herbs, or flowers or berries, infused in oil or water (which does not need to be boiled) for about ten minutes and strained. Waiting too long before straining results in a bitter-tasting infusion. The herb/botanical is then removed from the oil and the oil is used in the many recipes or methods which call for short-term infused oils.
* Plants with desirable flavours may be steeped in an edible oil or vinegar for an extended period; the infused oil or vinegar is often sold still containing the plant, and is then used as flavouring. Chillies, lemon, garlic, and many other plants may be used. There can be ambiguity: for example, what is described as sesame oil may be oil extracted from sesame seeds, or an inferior quality vegetable oil infused with sesame.

The first recorded use of essential oils was in the 10th century by the Muslim Persian chemist Avicenna.

ee also

*Herbal tea
*Chinese herbology


* [ "Preparing Herbal Remedies"] ( [] ) accessed April 17, 2007
* [ "Herbal Infusion (Medicinal Strength Tea)" by Sarah Holmes, Clinical Herbalist] ( [ CancerLynx] ) accessed January 7, 2006
* [ Basic Guidelines in making oil infusions] by Ken Atherton Phc.

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