Peter Schöffer

Peter Schöffer

Peter Schöffer or Petrus Schoeffer (c. 1425 in Gernsheim, Groß-Gerau - 1503 Mainz) was an early German printer, who studied in Paris and worked as a manuscript copyist in 1451 before apprenticing with Johannes Gutenberg and joining Johann Fust, a goldsmith, lawyer, and money lender. [ [ Johann Fust - FREE Johann Fust Biography | Facts, Pictures, Information! ] ]

Working for Fust, Schöffer was the principal workman of Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of Western typography, whose 42-Line Bible was completed in 1455. In 1455 he testified for Johann Fust against Gutenberg. By 1457 he and Fust had formed the firm "Fust and Schöffer", after the foreclosure of the mortgage on Gutenberg's printing workshop. [ [ Schoeffer exhibition, 2003] ]

Famous works include the "Latin Psalter" of 1457, Cicero's "De officiis" (1465), and "Herbarius - Rogatu plurimorum..." (1484), usually referred to as the "Herbarius latinus". The "Herbarius" was compiled from older sources and was popular enough to go through ten reprints before 1499. It illustrates and describes 150 plants and 96 medicines commonly found in apothecaries. There is reason to believe that Schöffer himself commissioned the compilation, although the name of the compiler is not recorded. Schöffer is considered the author of many innovations such as dating books, introducing the printer's device and Greek characters in print, developing the basics of punchcutting and type-founding, and using colored inks in print. After going into business on his own, Schöffer confined his publishing to works on theology, and civil and ecclesiastic law.

Schöffer married Fust's only daughter, Christina, and his sons also entered the printer's trade. [ [ Peter Schoeffer Biography] ] His son John carried on as printer between 1503 and 1531, was competent, but did not rank with the top printers of that time. Another son, Peter the younger, was an able die-cutter and printer, and conducted business in Mainz (1509-23), Worms (1512-29), Strasburg (1530-39) and Venice (1541-42). In 1526, Peter Schöffer the younger published the first English New Testament in Worms, translated by William Tyndale. [Paul Arblaster, Gergely Juhász & Guido Latré (eds.), "Tyndale’s Testament", Turnhout: Brepols, 2002, p. 148. ISBN 978-2-503-51411-6] Peter the younger's son Ivo, continued the printing business at Mainz (1531-55). [CathEncy|title=Peter Schöffer|url=]


*Encyclopædia Britannica, 2006

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