X-Men Unlimited

X-Men Unlimited

X-Men Unlimited was the title of two comic book series published by Marvel Comics.

X-Men Unlimited Vol. 1

Supercbbox| title = X-Men Unlimited Vol. 1
comic_color = background:#ff8080

caption =
schedule =
format =
publisher = Marvel Comics
date = June 1993-September 2003
issues = 50
past_current_color = background:#ff9275
main_char_team = X-Men
writers =
artists =
pencillers =
inkers =
colorists =
creative_team_month =
creative_team_year =
creators =

The purpose of this title was to run stories that fit between the main X-Men comics. The stories included all characters (heroes and villains) from the X-titles, and was more of a collection of short stories. Like an anthology title, these stories focus less on the main continuity and more on little side things that the X-Men characters go through, like Jubilee in a mall with a crush on a boy or Wolverine going through a particularly rough healing process.

The first series ran from 1993-2003.

This title allowed lesser known writers and artists to write and draw more distinctive X-men comics, as it usually had new writers and artists for each issue. The comics were also always self-contained stories; story arcs were always one issue or shorter in length. This was particularly unique during the late 1990's when most X-Men titles frequently had story arcs that were several issues long.

X-Men Unlimited Vol. 2

Supercbbox| title = X-Men Unlimited Vol. 2
comic_color = background:#ff8080

caption = Promotional art for issue #11, as drawn by Mike Deodato
schedule =
format =
publisher = Marvel Comics
date = April 2004-June 2006
issues = 14
past_current_color = background:#ff9275
main_char_team = X-Men
writers =
artists =
pencillers =
inkers =
colorists =
creative_team_month =
creative_team_year =
creators =

The second series ran from early 2004 to early 2006. The series' final issue was in June 2006. Each issue contained two short self-contained stories; in almost every case each story would focus specifically on one character, giving an in-depth glimpse into their psyche.


* [http://www.thexaxis.com/xmenunlimited/reviews.htm X-Men Unlimited reviews]

External links

* [http://marvel.com/catalog/?book_title=X-Men+Unlimited X-Men Unlimited on Marvel.com]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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