

Scottish may refer to:

*Anything having to do with Scotland
*Scottish Gaelic language
*Scots language
*Scottish people
*Scottish American
*Scottish English

ee also

*Scottish Television, currently known as stv, the ITV licensee for Central Scotland
*List of famous Scottish people

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  • SCOTTISH — Danse de salon, de rythme binaire, dont le mouvement est soit vif, soit lent. Originaire d’Écosse, la scottish n’a, semble t il, rien conservé de son caractère folklorique. Comme beaucoup de danses du XIXe siècle, elle combine des pas de deux ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Scottish — Scot tish, a. [From {Scot} a Scotchman: cf. AS. Scyttisc, and E. {Scotch}, a., {Scots}, a.] Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Scotland, their country, or their language; as, Scottish industry or economy; a Scottish chief; a Scottish dialect …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scottish — [skät′ish] adj. [ME Scottissh < Late OE Scottisc, for earlier Scyttisc] of Scotland or its people, variety of English, or culture n. the variety of English spoken by the people of Scotland the Scottish the Scottish people USAGE Scottish, the… …   English World dictionary

  • Scottish — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to Scotland or its people. ► NOUN (as pl. n. the Scottish) ▪ the people of Scotland. DERIVATIVES Scottishness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • Scottish — Scottish, Scots adj *Scotch …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Scottish — Cet article a pour sujet une danse de bal. Pour une définition du mot « scottish », voir l’article scottish du Wiktionnaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scottish — Scotch, Scots, Scottish 1. The favoured terms are a Scot or Scotsman or Scotswoman for a person from Scotland, Scottish as the general adjective relating to Scotland, and Scots for any of the dialect forms of English spoken in (especially… …   Modern English usage

  • Scottish — Scottishly, adv. Scottishness, n. /skot ish/, adj. 1. Also, Scots. of or pertaining to Scotland, its people, or their language. n. 2. the people of Scotland. 3. Scots (def. 1). [bef. 900; ME < LL Scott(us) SCOT + ISH1; r. OE Scyttisc] …   Universalium

  • Scottish — [[t]skɒ̱tɪʃ[/t]] ♦♦ ADJ Something that is Scottish belongs or relates to Scotland, its people, or its language. ...Scottish football. ...the Scottish Highlands …   English dictionary

  • Scottish — adjective relating to Scotland or its people. noun [as pluralnoun the Scottish] the people of Scotland. Derivatives Scottishness noun Usage Scottish, Scot, Scots, and Scotch are all variants of the same word, but have developed different uses and …   English new terms dictionary

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