Le Duc Anh

Le Duc Anh

Infobox President

name=Lê Ðức Anh| imagesize=100px
order= 7th President of Vietnam
predecessor=Võ Chí Công
successor=Trần Đức Lương
birth_date=birth date and age|1920|12|1
birth_place=Thừa Thiên-Huế province
party=Communist Party of Vietnam

Lê Đức Anh (born 1 December 1920) is a former president of Vietnam. He was president from 1992 until 1997. He is a former soldier and regarded as a conservative who maintained tight party control over domestic policies.

A long-standing member of the Vietnamese Communist Party, he led Vietcong combat units during the Vietnam War. Later he entered politics and he held a succession of government posts before being elected to the new post of state president, replacing a collective presidency, in September 1992. He stepped down as president at the October 1997 communist party congress and was replaced by Trần Đức Lương.

In 1996 he was hospitalized after a major stroke, but later recovered. He was born in Thừa Thiên-Huế province.

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