Pablo Rudomin

Pablo Rudomin

Pablo Rudomin Zevnovaty, PhD (born 1934 in Mexico City) is a Mexican neuroscientist.

Born to Russian parents he is a graduate of the biology program of the National School of Biological Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). He has been the director of the program of bioph neuroscience at the CINVESTAV (Center for Research and Advanced Studies) of the IPN since 1984. At the neuroscience program, his research has focused on the analysis of the central control mechanisms for the information that is transmitted by nerve fibers originating in the skin and muscles to the spinal cord.

He has also been a guest researcher at the following centers:
* Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research – New York City, US (1959–1960)
* Institute of Medical Pathology – Siena, Italy (1960–1961)
* Marine Biology Laboratory – Woods Hole, Massachusetts, US (1960)
* National Institutes of Health – Bethesda, Maryland, US (1968–1969, 1984–1986 and 1990–1991)
* Göteborg University – Göteborg, Sweden (1983)

He has also held the honorary positions:

* President of the Mexican Academy of Sciences
* Vice-president of the Mexican Society of Physiological Sciences
* General coordinator of the Presidential Science Advisory Council.
* Counseling member of the CONACYT.

He has been a professor since 1961 and since 1993 he has been a member of El Colegio Nacional.


* National Alfonso Caso Science Award from the Mexican Academy of Sciences
* National Science Award;
* Award for the Best Paper of the Mexican Academy of Sciences;
* Prince of Asturias Award;
* Luis Elizondo Award of the ITESM
* Lázaro Cárdenas Award.
* Dr Honoris Causa, University of Puebla, Mexico

External links

* [ Biography] at El Colegio Nacional

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