name = SCADE Suite

caption = SCADE Suite 6.0 in Windows XP
developer = Esterel Technologies
latest_release_version = 6.0
latest_release_date = October 4, 2007
operating_system = Microsoft Windows
genre = Integrated development environment
license = Proprietary
website = []

SCADE is a development environment used by system and software engineers to produce mission and safety-critical applications. SCADE, a commercial product from Esterel Technologies that is based upon the formal, synchronous and data-flow oriented Lustre programming language, generates production quality C or Ada code.

SCADE has been qualified as a development tool for DO-178B up to level A. As a result, SCADE is used most heavily in the aerospace and defense domains however its capabilities also serve transportation, automotive, energy, and heavy equipment software development environments.


*Graphical and textual editor
*Formal proof, known as "Design verifier"
*Code Generators (DO-178B, EN 50128 and IEC 61508 certified)
*Model Test Coverage
*Several Gateways : Simulink, DOORS, Altia, UML/SysML, etc.


The above diagram is a sample SCADE Suite 6.0 diagram used for Cruise-control.


*Latest available version: SCADE Suite 6.0 ("4 Oct 2007")
*"SCADE Suite 5.1.1" : ("31 Sep 2006")
*"SCADE Suite 5.1" : ("31 Mar 2006")
*"SCADE Suite 5.0.1" : ("7 Jul 2005")
*"SCADE Suite 5.0" : ("4 Feb 2005")
*"SCADE Suite 4.3.1" : ("26 Apr 2004")
*"SCADE Suite 4.3" : ("2 Mar 2004")
*"SCADE Suite 4.2.1" : ("7 Jun 2003")
*"SCADE Suite 4.2" : ("16 Apr 2003")
*"SCADE Suite 4.1.4" : ("8 Nov 2002")
*"SCADE Suite 4.1.3" : ("July 2002")
*"SCADE Suite 4.1.2" : ("Apr 2002")

Industrial uses

SCADE in Aerospace & Defense Application

*Flight control systems
*Power management
*Reconfiguration management
*Engine control systems (FADEC)
*Braking System
*Cockpit display and alarm management
*Fuel management
*DO-178B EASA & FAA Qualified - up to level A

SCADE Applications in Railways

*Interlocking systems control
*Ground stations
*Automatic Train Operations
*Train Control Systems
*Critical Graphics Displays
*Level Crossings
*Safe Platforms
*EN 50128 Certified by TÜV - up to SIL 4

SCADE Nuclear I&C Applications

*Reactor Protection Systems :
**Reactor limitation system
**Trip processing & Emergency shutdown
**Safety actuation
*Nuclear Instrumentation Systems :
**Power measurement
**Neutron detectors
**Pressurizer heating controllers
**Neutron instrumentation systems
**Boron meters
*Other Safety Systems :
**Safety valve control system
**Rod control systems
**Diesel sequencing system
**Rod position instrumentation systems
*IEC 60880 Compliance

Some Examples Industrial uses

* 37 Reactors in production using SCADE
*Primary Flight control system (FCS) of the Airbus A380
*Secondary FCS of the Airbus A340
*Automatic Pilots for Eurocopter: EC-135, EC-145, EC-155, EC-225.
*Falcon 7X "Landing Gear Control and Steering System", "Flight Control" and "Braking System"
*Pratt & Whitney PW610, PW615F and PW535 engine's FADEC (resp. in the Eclipse, Cessna Citation Mustang and Citation Encore+)
*More than 10 nuclear power plants in Europe
*Eurostar "ITCS" (Interlocking and Train Control Systems)

External links

* [ SCADE Suite page]
* [ SCADE Display page]
* [ SCADE getting started]

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