PKP class SU42

PKP class SU42

Infobox Locomotive Auto
name = SU42
powertype = Diesel

caption = SU42 locomotive
builder = Fablok
serialnumber =
buildmodel =
builddate = 1967-72
totalproduction =
whytetype =
aarwheels =
uicclass = Bo'Bo'
gauge = RailGauge|sg
leadingsize =
driversize = 1100 mm
trailingsize =
wheelbase =
length = 14,240 mm
width = 3170 mm
height =
framesize =
weightondrivers =
weight = 74 t
locotenderweight =
fueltype =


consumption =
watercons =
electricsystem =
collectionmethod =
primemover =
enginetype = a8C22
aspiration =
displacement =
boiler =
boilerpressure =
feedwaterheater =
firearea =
tubearea =
fluearea =
tubesandflues =
fireboxarea =
totalsurface =
superheatertype =
superheaterarea =
cylindercount = 8
cylindersize =
rearcylindersize =
hpcylindersize =
lpcylindersize =
valvegear =
transmission = Electric
topspeed = convert|90|km/h|mph|abbr=on|sigfig=2
poweroutput =
tractiveeffort = 228 kN
factorofadhesion =
locobrakes = Oerlikon
trainbrakes =
railroad = PKP
railroadclass = SU42
numinclass =
roadnumber =
officialname =
nicknames =
locale =
deliverydate =
firstrundate =
lastrundate =
retiredate =
restoredate =
scrapdate =
currentowner =
disposition =|

SU42 is the name for a Polish diesel locomotive used for universal purposes.


The SU42 is in fact the same locomotive as SM42 and SP42. The original class SU42 were modifications of Class SM42 done during the 1970s. The class retained the original SM42 serial number, however most of those converted have now been converted back to SM42 or withdrawn.

The newer class were modified between 1999 and 2000 from class SP42. The modification centered on the addition of electric train heating. They were classified as class SU42-5xx. 40 of the class were eventually modified and they are based at various depots across the network.

Built for shunting purposes SM42, after shifting into SP42 and SU42 is widely used in passenger traffic on non electrified lines.


The described loco used to be called by the following names:
*Zebra - from the painting
*Wibrator (eng. "Vibrator") - the vibrations the engine produced
*Eleska - from the factory number: Ls800
*Fablok - from the producer
*Polsat - from livery similar to one popular TV operators' colours in Poland


* [ Modern Locos Gallery]
* [ Rail Service]
* [ Mikoleje]
* [ Chabówka Rail Museum]

ee also

*Polish locomotives designation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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