Edict on Idle Institutions

Edict on Idle Institutions

The Edict on Idle Institutions was one of over 6,000 ordinances issued by Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor pertaining to religious issues. Promulgated in 1780, it outlawed contemplative monastic orders. The act permitted only monastic orders that dealt with teaching, nursing and other practical work within the Holy Roman Empire. The number of monks (whom the Emperor called "shaven-headed creatures whom the common people worship on bended kneww") [By Frank Tallett and Nicholas Atkin, "Priests, Prelates and People: A History of European Catholicism Since 1750" (London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2004), 12. ] dropped from 65,000 to 27,000. The Holy Roman Empire also expropriated the monasteries and took their money to pay ordinary priests more.

The edict fit in with Joseph's ecclesiastical reforms, in which he sought to control the church in Austria and the Empire and saw it as an arm of the state.


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