

Atys may mean:
*Atys (king) was a king of Alba Longa.
*Atys father of Lydus was an early king of Lydia, father of Lydus.
*Atys son of Croesus was the son of the later King Croesus of Lydia.
*Attis, a Phrygian/Roman deity
*Atys (Lully), a tragédie lyrique by Jean-Baptiste Lully
*Atys (mollusc), a genus of mollusc, also known as Atys Bubble Shells.
*Atys is also the name of the planet that is the setting of the "Saga of Ryzom" MMORPG

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  • ATYS — I. ATYS Croesi, Lydiae Regis, fil. qui, cum antea semper mutus fuislet, in eo tandem praelio, quod Lydiae servitutem attulit, cum Cyri militem videret sublatô ense patri suo caedem illaturum, nimiâ loquendi cupiditate, linguae vinculum abrupit,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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