Fumaru Yamamoto

Fumaru Yamamoto

Fumaru Yamamoto (1918-2001) was the Japanese founder of Dai Jutsu Do, an unarmed system of self defense. His system utilized a combination of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and Kodokan Judo. Known for his efficiency in application and simpleness, this system became widespread throughout Japan.

During the 1940s Master Yamamoto taught his system of combat to the Japanese Army. After the war, Master Yamamoto left his military training position and dedicated his time to further develop his art. With a less physical and more technical focus Dai Jutsu Do became more practical for use by regular Japanese citizens.

Master Yamamoto taught his art in Japan for many years before departing as an ambassador to Mexico. He died in Mexico in 2001. Previous to his death he developed a successful line of martial arts instructors who would carry on his legacy throughout the world.

Yamamoto was the student of many highly regarded martial artists such as Jigoro Kano, Morihei Ueshiba and Minoru Mochizuki. He is regarded as one of the greatest martial artists of Japan. Today Dai Jutsu Do instructors can be found in the United States, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Dai Jutsu Do — is an unarmed method of self defense, derived from better known Japanese martial arts such as Daito ryu aiki jujutsu and judo. Developed by its founder Yamamoto Fumaru (1918 2001) it was widely used during World War II by the Japanese Army.… …   Wikipedia

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