- RomanianOffice
RomanianOffice is a proprietary customized localized product based on the
OpenOffice.org source and it's customized specially for speakers ofRomanian language .The products is sold only in Romania and it is used specially by people with less experience in computer usage and specially by the ones that does not speek english.
As off CURRENTMONTHNAME CURRENTYEAR the product it is known to be the only affordable alternative to the Microsoft Office in Romanian.
It is derived from the SISL licence of OpenOffice.org 1.x.
It costs about 30 euros/computer (price list is 99
Romanian leu ) (less if sold with a new computer). It includes one month free support by phone.External links
* [http://www.romanianoffice.ro RomanianOffice home site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.