Himno Nacional de Honduras

Himno Nacional de Honduras

Infobox Anthem
title = Himno Nacional de Honduras
english_title = National anthem of Honduras
alt_title = Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo
en_alt_title = Your flag is a splendor of sky

image_size =
border =
caption =
prefix = National
country = HND
author = Augusto Constancio Coello
lyrics_date =
composer = Carlos Hartling
music_date =
adopted = 1915
until =

The "National anthem of Honduras" (Spanish "Himno Nacional de Honduras") was adopted under presidential decree 42 in 1915. [Honduras Universal [http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/mas/hims/himnosa.html Himnos del Pais] ] The lyrics were written by Augusto Constancio Coello and the music composed by Carlos Hartling. In its entirety, the anthem is a brief chronology of Honduran history. The anthem consists of the chorus and seven verses. But, for official acts, only the chorus and the seventh are sung. The chorus, which is sung before and after the seventh verse, is a description of Honduras' chief national symbols, the flag and the coat of arms. The eighth verse, is a patriotic call to duty to Hondurans to defend the flag and the nation. By the time Hondurans complete their sixth year of elementary education, they will have memorized and been taught the meaning of all eight verses. Unofficially, the anthem is sometimes called "Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo" (Spanish for "Your flag is a splendor of sky") which is also the first line of the chorus.



External links

* [http://www.world-countries.org/honduras_national_anthem.html Honduras national anthem's vocal and instrumental versions in MP3 format]
* [http://www.hondurasemb.org/anthem.mid MIDI sound file]

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